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7 LGBTQ Money Myths

  September 20, 2022  |    #Live Fabulously

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping people experience the freedom of becoming debt free! Would you love to feel that relief? After reading our article below, see how we can help you more here. LGBTQ money …

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What FI/RE Is and Is Not

  September 6, 2022  |    #Live Fabulously

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping people experience the freedom of becoming debt free! Would you love to feel that relief? After reading our article below, see how we can help you more here. What are …

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You Landed Your First Job. Now What?

  September 1, 2022  |    #Make Money

You did it!  You graduated, searched high and low and landed your first job.  It’s time to celebrate.  Go out big this weekend with your friends or, maybe, buy that car you’ve had your eye on lately.

Hold up!  Not so fast.  Yes, you have your first “real” job.  It’s likely, however, that you won’t make the money an NFL All-Star makes.  What should you do? 

These 7 steps helped us pay off $51,000 in credit card debt fast!