The life of freedom you want...

Why You Should Invest in Index Funds vs Stocks

  February 21, 2024  |    #Make Money

Pros and cons of index funds vs stocks Discover the untapped potential within your reach! Are you letting fear hold you back from the world of investing? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your wealth and secure your financial future. Let’s explore the game-changing advantages of index funds over individual stocks. Why index …

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10 Steps to Super Simple Investing

  February 14, 2024  |    #Make Money

Does investing scare you? If it does, you are not alone. Many people, especially younger people are intimidated by investing. When you are young is precisely the time you should start investing. It allows you to make your money work for you and take advantage of the time value of money. 

This post will help de-mystify investing and get you started on the right foot. This is the fundamentals. As you and your investments grow, you can increase your knowledge or take advantage of experts who can manage your money for you, but not be taken advantage of by experts. 

11 Ways to Teach Kids About Money This Winter

  February 7, 2024  |    #Tools

Between last month’s polar vortex and this month’s ongoing snow storm, many parents are feeling the stress of having their children home from school day in and day out.  By now, kids are getting tired of playing in the snow because it’s no longer a novelty.  Mom, Dad and the babysitter have run out of ideas to keep kids busy other than watching mind numbing TV or playing borderline inappropriate video games.  It’s understandable.  After hearing screaming kids for four straight days, Grand Theft Auto doesn’t sound so bad.  
With kids missing so many days of school, when will they learn anything?  What will happen to their brains with so many breaks from school?


17 Cold Weather Tips

  January 31, 2024  |    #Live Fabulously

The cold and snow in the Northeast and Midwest is getting frustrating to say the least.  Money Conscious consumers should be aware that because of the extreme and extended cold, energy prices are expected to increase.

What can you do?

How to Retire? 65 Tips for Financial Planning for Retirement

  January 24, 2024  |    #Live Fabulously

Financial planning for retirement Retirement always seems too far away until it isn’t. Retirement planning seems too scary, but here are 21 ways to make financial planning for retirement relevant, easier and funner. Financial planning for retirement Buckle up, fellow time-travelers! We’re about to embark on a journey into the future, where palm trees, cozy …

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