The life of freedom you want...

Compassionate Capitalism: Business for Good

  May 1, 2024  |    #Make Money

Compassionate capitalism and the LGBT community Despite initial skepticism, compassionate capitalism is a tangible reality, coveted now more than ever. Join us as we spotlight companies embodying this ethos, redefining success to encompass compassion, profit, and purpose. What’s compassionate capitalism? Compassion is empathy for others. Capitalism, according to The Oxford Dictionary, is “an economic system …

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Why a Home Is Not a Retirement Plan

  April 24, 2024  |    #Live Fabulously

CNBC reported yesterday that the 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey, produced by the non-profit Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald & Associates, shows that American workers are more confident in their ability to retire comfortably because of recent stock and housing market gains over the last few of years. 

In the comment section, I said, as I often do, “A home is not a retirement plan.” This garnered comments, which I appreciate. Comments inspire me and make me think. One commenter said that a home can be part of a retirement plan. They included the example of northeasterners who sell their homes and move to a smaller, less expensive home down south. They often pay for their new home with cash and then have money left over. Another commenter said that it is nice to have a free place to live in retirement, rather than a place to rent.

I do not believe this is entirely accurate.

How to Avoid the Risks of Diminished Financial Capacity

  April 17, 2024  |    #Live Fabulously

The risks of diminished financial capacity As time passes, our financial acumen may falter, leaving us vulnerable to choices that don’t align with our best interests. But fear not; there are proactive steps we can take today to safeguard our financial future. What you should know about diminished financial capacity In investing, the guardians of …

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How To Save Money On Pet Costs

  April 10, 2024  |    #Eliminate Debt

How to save a ton of money on pet costs Unprepared for the expenses of two dogs? Our ultimate guide to pet costs will help you save money. Our pet cost from adopting Luca & Loki One of our dreams for the longest time, nearly 10 years, was to get French Bulldogs. We didn’t want …

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You’re Debt Free. Now What?

  April 3, 2024  |    #Eliminate Debt

A reader of our blog emailed us for advice. Here’s the situation:

“My spouse and I sold our house. Once we close, we’ll use the profit to pay off all our debt. That will leave us with leftover money and extra money each month. My question is how do we proceed from here to prepare for retirement?”

Accelerate Your Debt Payoff Journey!