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25 Affordable Gay Cities You’re Forgetting

  June 1, 2023  |    #Live Fabulously

The ditty on gay cities

Gay cities are cities, big and small – size don’t matter – that are openly queer-friendly. From NYC to San Fran and Pitt to Port, if I can hold hands with my husband without fear, it’s a gay city. But some gay cities are more affordable than others. Find out which below.

What you’ll find here: 

Migration to gay cities

There’s been a migration of corn-fed boys and small-town girls with big-city dreams to major (and expensive) LGBTQ-friendly cities for decades.

Back in yore, gays and lesbians hid in these gay cities — like San Francisco, the queen gayborhoods — to live their lives in truth. We gathered in pockets of less desirable hoods in these larger cities.

The Castro today, though, isn’t The Castro of Harvey Milk. Chelsea and Boystown weren’t the exclusive enclaves they are today. Pre-Madonna, these hoods were dirty, crime-ridden places citizens forgot and governments tried to forget.

These were great sanctuaries for queer people to hide and thrive. It’s irony that our places of refuge made many marginalized residents marginally rich with their patience and DIY skills.

Live fabulously in affordable gay cities

Acceptance has improved in many parts of the country, and some still yearn to escape the phobia of smaller and rural towns. So, there’s still a draw to these now big-budget cities — one that poses a money problem for the average mo.

Many seeking personal safety and acceptance now struggle with financial insecurity.

While real estate and the cost of living has increased nationally since the 70s — exponentially in these first- and second-tier metros — many once-affordable gay locales are now million-dollar residentials Google employees can’t afford.

For gays and lesbians without six-figure incomes, that’s a problem.

That’s why we’re advocating for more people of “alternative lifestyles” to consider alternative cities to call home.

Big gay cities, empty pockets

While it’s fabulous living in a city with thousands of things to do seven nights a week with millions who look, act and vote like you, it’s also easy to become fabulously broke. Here’s the cost of living for premier gay cities:

  • New York – cost of living is 129% above average; housing is 369% above average
  • Los Angeles – cost of living is 50% above average; housing is 355% above average
  • San Francisco – cost of living is 192% above average; housing is 198% above average
  • Chicago – cost of living is 20% above average; housing is 46% above average
  • Seattle – cost of living is 24% above average; housing is 82% above average

A regular mo needs multiple jobs to afford to live in these prime gay cities. Without a high-paying job or a thriving business, you may feel like your options are either personal security and community or financial security.

We’re here to say that’s another option.

Listen to our take on the pros and cons of Big Gay Cities on Queer Money®:

Smaller gay cities, deeper pockets

The road out of the closet doesn’t just lead to these emerald cities.

Below are 25 alternative and amazing gay cities (around the world) with higher concentrations of queers per capita and lower costs of living. Best yet, when budgeted correctly, most queer residents in these gay cities can easily jet to the uber urbans with the click of their heels.

Get ready to fall in love with cities such as Madison, Albuquerque and Spokane. Because they’re all cities with thriving queer communities with significantly cheaper costs of living.

They’re where you can simultaneously buy a home, save on expenses, invest your money and have enough financial wellness for a fabulous life.

Top gay cities by region

Let’s first take the best gay cities by region. These are the tops of the top.

The big gay city of Portland OR (NW)

Portlandia’s pretty white and pretty gay – so gay, Advocate listed it as the 20th gayest city in the US in 2014 and Business Insider ranked it the sixth-best city for queer singles. LGBTQ people make up 8.8% of its city’s population and 6.1% of its metro.

To be fair, Portland ranks as one of the more expensive gay cities on this list with a cost of living about 27% higher than the national average, yet it’s cheaper than the top-tier gay cities above. Best of all, queer couples and throuples of all shapes and sizes can comfortably hold hands walking around NW Downtown, Pearl District and NE Alberta, where the artisans flock.

Gay city Salt Lake City, Utah (SW)

Salt Lake City isn’t the “Sal Tlay Ka Siti” we’ve come to love visa vie The Book of Mormon. It’s way better for a gay.

Salt Lake City’s LGBTQ people make up a solid 4.7% of its total population. Its cost of living is 8% over the national average, and its housing is 33% over the national average, yet considerably lower than the numbers above.

Salt Lake’s close to premier skiing – hello 2002 Winter Olympics – and cycling and has a growing music scene with free concerts in Pioneer Park.

Gay city New Orleans, Louisiana (SE)

Gay people make up 5.1% of The Big Easy. New Orleans’ cost of living is 2% below the national average and its housing is just 1% higher than the national average.

New Orleans’ flamboyance makes Las Vegas J and is a foodie’s buffet. With as much history as hurricanes, both wind/water and libation, New Orleans is rumored to be the home of David’s favorite drink.

The Sazerac.

That, alone, might make us move there.

Gay city of Pittsburgh PA (NE)

Pittsburgh, PA may not be top of mind when we think of gay cities. But with its plethora of colleges, it’s home to a large student population. Plus, it’s Queer as Folk.

Pittsburgh’s metro is estimated to have an LGBTQ density of about 3%, which puts it in the top 50 US metro areas.

Where it really scores is the cost of living. Renting a one-bedroom in the city center costs about $1,100. The overall cost for a single person, excluding rent, runs about $950 a month. Find roomies, and your total cost could land south of two grand a month.

This is doable on $35,000 a year with room to invest for retirement, a dash of travel and the occasional splurge.

Some suggested neighborhoods include Shadyside, home to some gay bars, queer-owned shops and the most LGBTQ-friendly restaurants. Look at the interesting name Strip District tucked between downtown and Pitt’s revitalized riverfront. Finally, the hipster mecca of Lawrenceville is super queer.

Cheesy (in a good way), Madison WI (MW)

This isthmus capital just west of Milwaukee boasts a growing tech, biotech and health systems tech economy for those interested or trained in such fields. While the cost of living, at 8%, is slightly over the national average, monthly rent is 62% below NYC, and purchasing power is 25% above the Big Apple.

While Madison is one of the more suburban recommendations on our list, it’s also home to a thriving art scene, and it has all the shopping every gay boy doesn’t need. Plus, being a university town, Madison has a much younger vibe than many US suburbs and was ranked America’s Fittest City in 2016.

Finally, Madison’s metro has a higher percentage of gay couples than any other city in the area outside of Chicago and Minneapolis, for those gay couples looking for a suburban, midwestern vibe – yes, some of us want this.

Gay cities of the Northeast USA

As the most economically developed, populated and diverse region in the US, the Northeast is nestled between our cold Canadian neighbor and the Atlantic. Home to P-Town, Chelsea, Washington Square West and Dupont Circle, it puts the gay in the US of Gay.

Here are the gay cities of the Northeast.

1. Gay city of Columbus OH

  • LGBTQ Population Density – Columbus has one of the top 20 densest LGBTQ populations in the US at 6.7%.
  • Cost of Living – For the cost of living, it comes in on the lower end. Although, there’s some new concern with increasing rents. Compared to New York City, Columbus is about 65% cheaper, with a one-bedroom in the city center renting for about $1,100 a month and a 3-course dinner for two, sans alcohol, costing $47.
  • Gayborhoods – Don’t miss Short North for its shops and hip restaurants. Include the North Market for a variety of food vendors – a snack or full-on lunch is a great way to sample the local fare.
  • More to Know – Columbus is so gay-friendly its tourist office has a free, bi-monthly LGBTQ-themed e-newsletter with events, activities, special offers and – our favorite – discounts.

2. Queer as Pittsburgh PA

  • LGBTQ Population – 3% of the overall population, putting it in the top 50 gayest metro areas.
  • Cost of Living – The overall cost of living is 94.7% of the national average, which is great for a city this size
    • Rent- the average two bedroom apartment runs about $1,333 per month
    • Homes – the median home value (50% above & 50% below) runs about $193,000
    • Income – median income is $57,000 and average income is $76,000 per the 2021 U.S. Census
  • Gayborhoods – Shadyside, Strip District and the revitalized riverfront.
  • More to Know
    • Advocate named it the 8th gayest city in the US in 2017
    • HRC (Human Rights Campaign) lists Pittsburgh with a perfect 100 out of 100 on their Municipal Equality Index in 2022, just one of 4 cities in PA to garner this

Watch to learn more about Gay Cities in Pennsylvania

3. The gay city of Baltimore MD

  • LGBTQ Population – Baltimore, Maryland is the 15th queerest cities in the U.S., with a queer-density of nearly 7%!
  • Cost of Living – Costs for singles are like Pittsburgh and Columbus, but rent’s $200 more a month. Higher rent means you’ll need an extra $3,500 a year. But hey, Baltimore’s still cheaper than D.C. and NYC, which are both under three hours away.
  • Gayborhoods – Fells Point near the water is great for dinner and walks near the water. Much of the South Harbor neighborhoods are great for museums and the arts. Don’t miss the ever-changing American Visionary Art Museum. Many of the queer bars and restaurants are found in the Mount Vernon and Old Groucher neighborhoods to the north.
  • More to Know – Baltimore hosted one of the country’s first Gay Pride Parades in 1975.

4. Gay city of Providence RI

  • LGBTQ Population – The city proper, home to Brown University and several other liberal colleges, boasts an LGBTQ density of nearly 5%.
  • Cost of Living – Providence is pushing the boundaries of “affordable” but is much cheaper than NYC and San Fran. Rent for a one-bedroom in the city costs about $1,350. The average monthly salary after taxes is about $2,500. That income leaves room for a nicer lifestyle and some travel.
  • Gayborhoods –Providence isn’t the gayest of gay cities with its gay life. It’s within a couple of hours of Boston and is close to great gay attractions further down the coast, making it a good bedroom community.
  • More to KnowBusiness Insider ranked Providence the 5th best gay city for LGBTQ singles + it was home to the first openly gay mayor of a US capital in 2002 + it’s home to the largest gay bathhouse in New England + was named one of the best cities for lesbians.

5. The gay city of Rochester NY

  • LGBTQ Population – Rochester’s LGBTQ density comes in at nearly 7%, putting it in the top 15 gayest cities.
  • Cost of Living –Rochester wins big with cost of living, making it our topmost affordable gay city of the North East. Rent for a one-bedroom in the city center hovers around $900 a month and overall costs minus rent for a single person runs about $900 a month. With an annual salary of about $35,000, you’d be looking pretty good.
  • Gayborhoods – The Park Avenue corridor is where most of the action’s at, plus there are the Fabulous Finger Lakes.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named it the 12th gayest city in the US in 2014. Plus, Rochester’s also been rated as one of the best cities to raise a family, which more LGBTQ people are doing.

Gay cities of the Southeast USA

1. Gay city by the bay, Tampa FL

  • LGBTQ Population – 5.9% of Tampa’s metro area IDs at LGBTQ.
  • Cost of Living – Tampa’s cost of living is 3% below the national average, and Tampa’s purchasing power is 22.7% higher than in NYC, making it an affordable and fun city.
  • Gayborhood – Ybor City is the most well-known gayborhood with an eclectic mix of shops, bars and clubs with the hottie disco boyz if we do say so ourselves. Seminole Heights is another LGBTQ hood in Tampa.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named it the 19th gayest city in the US in 2017, Business Insider ranked it the 3rd gayest city for queer singles.

2. The big gay easy of New Orleans LA

  • LGBTQ Population – New Orleans City has a 5.1% queer-density.
  • Cost of Living – Cost of living’s on par with the national average, which is lower than most big gay cities. Rent in NYC runs a whopping 145% higher than in New Orleans.
  • Gayborhoods – The French Quarter’s the most popular gay neighborhood, where home prices run highest. Baywater, home to many artists and creatives, is another gay enclave.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named it the 5th gayest city in the US in 2017 and 16th gayest city in the US in 2014. Business Insider ranked it the best city for LGBTQ singles. Plus, the Big Easy’s home to Southern Decadence. Need we say more?

3. Gay Bayou City of Houston TX

  • LGBTQ Population – Houston-proper is 4.4% gay, and its metro is 4.1%.
  • Cost of Living – The cost of living is 6% below the national average. Rent in New York City runs about 135% higher than in Houston, and the purchasing power’s about 31% higher than in NYC. Texas is also a no-income-tax state, so you’d pay less in taxes with a primary residence in TX.
  • Gayborhoods – Montrose and the Downton Theatre Districts are the most popular gay neighborhoods, and more are cropping up in the Southwest parts of the city where older mid-century modern homes exist.
  • More to Know – Houston boasts the 4th largest Pride in the nation.

4. Grand Ole gay city of Nashville TN

  • LGBTQ Population – Nashville-proper is at 5.1%, and Nashville-metro’s 3.8% LGBTQ.
  • Cost of Living – Cost of living is 5% below the national average. Rent’s about 115% higher in NYC than in Nashville. Purchasing power’s about 20% higher in Nashville than in NYC.
  • Gayborhoods – East Nashville and the midtown areas are the most LGBGT-friendly hoods, though other neighborhoods like Germantown and Hillsboro attract young and hip gay folks.
  • More to Know – Ironically, you’ll find the best gayness is on Church Street.

5. Gay city of Asheville, NC

  • LGBTQ Population – Asheville doesn’t rank in the largest cities in the US, so the data’s a bit inconsistent. That said, the US Census shows that the LGBTQ population in Asheville is 83% higher than the US average.
  • Cost of Living – Asheville’s cost of living is 2% higher than the national average, yet rents are 60% cheaper than NYC. Overall, Asheville’s one of the more desirable and, thus, expensive places in the area to live, but it’s considerably more affordable than many first- and second-tier LGBTQ cities.
  • Gayborhoods – Downtown, Montford, North Asheville and West Asheville are some of the more desirable gayborhoods.
  • More to KnowAdvocate ranked Asheville as the 12th gayest town in the US.

Gay cities of the Midwest USA

1. Prince’s gay city of Minneapolis MN

  • LGBTQ Population – Minneapolis-proper is 12.5% gay, and its metro is 5.7% gay (LBTQ included), making it one of the gayest areas in the US of Gay.
  • Cost of Living – Cost of living is 8% above the national average. Rent’s 56% lower and purchasing power’s 28% higher than in NYC.
  • Gayborhood – Minneapolis doesn’t have a gayborhood per se. The two main areas of town for queer businesses and homes are Lyn-Lake and downtown Minneapolis. Both are a bit pricey for housing. In addition, East Lowry Hill is the hot spot for those looking for mid-century style.
  • More to Know – In 1975, Minneapolis was the first city in the nation to pass a non-discrimination ordinance. Minnesota was, then, the first state by popular vote to reject a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Last but not least, Advocate named Minneapolis the 22nd gayest city in the US in 2017.

2. Dorothy’s Kansas City KS

  • LGBTQ Population – Kansas City’s 6.7% queer and its metro’s 5.1% queer, making it one of the gayest cities per capita in the center of the country.
  • Cost of Living – Kansas City’s cost of living is about 13% below the national average, making it one of the cheapest bigger gay cities in which to live. Rents are 70% lower and purchasing power is 35% higher than New York’s.
  • Gayborhood – The Plaza is a great area of town to live and work in because of its pedestrian, mall-like feel and its high-end, eclectic shops. Brookside’s filled with charming homes as is the Historic Northeast area with its older, Victorian-style homes. Old Briarcliff is also an area of interest because of its cheaper homes and shopping.
  • More to Know – The Kansas City LGBTQ community has just that, community. From its numerous LGBTQ-themed theater groups and subsequent entertainment to its craft beer culture and its active Mid-American Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce for the LGBTQ-entrepreneurs, there’s a lot to do and lots of friends to make here.

3. Gay city of Madison WI

  • LGBTQ Population – About 3% of Madison’s residents ID as LGBTQ.
  • Cost of Living – Cost of living in Madison is 8%, slightly above the national average, although rent’s 62% below NYC and purchasing power’s 25% above NYC.
  • Gayborhoods – One of Madison’s hottest spots is the Middleton Neighborhood, where many gays are settling down. Yes, it’s suburbia, but it has a thriving art and shopping scene. Plus, as Madison’s a college town, there’s a younger, hipper vibe in and around the University.
  • More to Know – In 2014, Advocate named Madison the 7th gayest city in the US.

4. The indy city of Indianapolis IN

  • LGBTQ Population – Indy City is 4.8% and Indy Metro’s 4.5% queer.
  • Cost of Living – The cost of living in Indianapolis runs about 10% below the national average, rents are about 72% lower than NYC, and purchasing power in Indy’s just over 10% higher than The Big Apple.
  • Gayborhoods – The Mass Ave Arts District is attracting a number of LGBTQ businesses and folks to live because of its theaters and shops. Downtown Indy has revitalized like many other city centers over the past few years, making it more welcoming and diverse. Broad Ripple Village is another hood attracting diverse folks to its cafés, boutiques and art galleries.
  • More to Know – RuPaul performed at the closing event of Indy’s week-long Pride celebrations in 2006.

5. The Gaytway city of St Louis MO

  • LGBTQ Population – St. Louis City’s 6.8% and St. Louis metro’s 3.6% queer.
  • Cost of Living – The cost of living in St. Louis runs about 12% below the national average, rents are about 71% lower than New York City and purchasing power’s just over 24% higher than NYC.
  • Gayborhoods – If you want to be in the center of gay nightlife in St. Louis, check out the Grove Neighborhood filled with bars and restaurants. For something more chill but just as hip, the Central West End is full of restaurants, galleries and pubs. If you thrive in historic neighborhoods, visit Lafayette Square with its old mansions, row homes, craft beer and liquor bars and great restaurants.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named Madison the 6th gayest city in the US in 2014, Business Insider ranked it the 13th best city for LGBTQ singles.

Gay cities of the Northwest USA

Denver, Seattle and Minneapolis make up the Bermuda Triangle of queer folks in the US.

There just aren’t many cities of significant size outside these cities that have attracted much of a stronghold of LGBTQ people. That said, there are pockets of diversity including LGBTQ folks that build small but strong communities in this triangle.

Granted, you might not be able to walk down the street holding hands in the entire city. But these towns deserve mention.

1. Gay Lilac City of Spokane WA

  • LGBTQ Population – Although Spokane is on the east side of the state and has a total population pushing 600,000, it’s the second-largest city in Washington next to the combi Seattle/Tacoma area.
  • Cost of Living – Spokane comes in about 4% below the national average for cost of living, with housing being one of the bright spots with affordable homes to both buy and rent. Rents in NYC are about 240% higher than in Spokane.
  • Gayborhoods – The downtown neighborhood of Riverside attracts the most LGBTQ residents. With the nearby Davenport Arts District, you’ll find bars, shops and restaurants to keep you happy. If you’re into mid-mod, you’ll love the Garland Historical District, which is artsy and full of restaurants and bars.
  • More to KnowAdvocate once named Spokane one of the Top Gay Cities.

2. The gay city of Boise ID

  • LGBTQ Population – Although Boise’s population is under 250,000, it’s one of the more liberal cities between Minneapolis and Seattle. Its LGBTQ population is small but connected. With the influx of more folks from around the country, Boise’s make-up is changing, and its LGBTQ community is growing.
  • Cost of Living – Boise’s cost of living matches the national average. Rent in Boise runs about 66% lower than NYC, although the local purchasing power is about equal to NYC. This means your dollar goes about as far in Boise for purchases as it would in NYC. But with rents so low, Boise’s appealing.
  • Gayborhoods – Boise doesn’t have a gay neighborhood per se, but the historic neighborhood around Hyde Park, known as the Northend is quite gay-friendly.
  • More to Know – Boise offers affordable mid-century modern homes and is ripe for a tech boom.

3. The city of roses Portland OR

  • LGBTQ Population – 8.8% for the city and 6.1% for the metro area claim to be LGBTQ.
  • Cost of Living – Portlandia ranks as one of the “better cities” in the Northwest, which means higher demand and higher prices. Portland’s one of the more expensive cities on this list with its cost of living coming in 27% higher than the national average. Rents are still 51% lower than in NYC and local purchasing power is about 10% higher than in NYC.
  • Gayborhoods – Portland has one of the densest LGBTQ populations in America, which means many parts of the city are accustomed to seeing same-sex couples hand-in-hand walking down the street. That being said, there are some gay hotspots such as NW Downtown, Pearl District and NE Alberta where the artisans flock.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named Portland the 20th gayest city in the US in 2014, Business Insider ranked it the 6th best city for LGBTQ singles. Portland’s so gay, its community is super tight-knit. So, new queers may find it takes a while and a little extra effort to make friends.

4. The gay city of Tacoma WA

  • LGBTQ Population – Tacoma falls into Seattle’s metro area, which makes LGBTQ people 6.5% of its population.
  • Cost of Living – The cost of living in Tacoma runs about 10% higher than the national average, which isn’t bad. Rents are also lower. Like Texas, Florida and Nevada, Washington doesn’t have a state income tax. This usually means much of these state’s income comes from sales tax, pushing the cost of some items higher than the national average.
  • Gayborhood – Tacoma boasts neighborhoods as nice and as hip as Seattle at a much cheaper price tag. Visit Proctor, McKinney, Hilltop and Stadium District/St. Helens. Although, because of its popularity, Hilltop is kinda ‘spensive.
  • More to KnowAdvocate named it the 18th gayest city in the US in 2014. Oh, and it offers roller derby.

5. Gay Rocky Mountain city of Bozeman MT

  • LGBT Population – In a 2018 survey, 25% of LGBTQ folks in the US live in cities with a population of 250,000 or less. This means many of us want to stay in smaller cities. Good reasons to stay in Bozeman are its beauty and access to nature.
  • Cost of Living – Bozeman comes in at about 10% higher than the national average for the cost of living, yet rent’s a whopping 65% cheaper than NYC and local purchasing power is 47% higher than NYC. This means you’ll get more for what you spend and have plenty left over for trips to the big gay cities for vacation.
  • Gayborhoods – There are no gayborhoods or – gasp! – gay bars to speak of, as Bozeman is pretty all-inclusive everywhere. Come on! A town that includes both Montana State University and The Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus must be pretty open and accepting.
  • More to Know – Bozeman is a college town, giving it a dash of liberalism and lots of acceptance in an otherwise red region. Plus, between meetups and Facebook groups, Bozeman has a tight-knit and welcoming LGBTQ community. In fact, a specific non-discrimination ordinance was even passed by the city commission.

Gay cities of the Southwest USA

1. The gay city of Salt Lake City UT

  • LGBTQ Population – Salt Lake City’s LGBTQ population is 7.6% and its metro is 3.7% queer, clearly highly concentrated in the city.
  • Cost of Living – SLC runs about 6% higher than the national average. Rents are about 64% lower than NYC and local purchasing power’s 31% higher than NYC – more bang for your buck.
  • Gayborhoods – Check out the Marmalade District (where the LGBTQ center is) and Capitol Hill neighborhoods.
  • More to Know – Salt Lake City’s slowly becoming a gay mecca in the West – a gay crossroads, of sorts. Advocate named it the 8th gayest city in the US in 2014. Gallup ranked it the 7th gayest city in 2017. It’s so lesbionic –the lesbian version of “gayest”? – Salt Lake has a lesbian mayor.

2. The gay city of Phoenix/Tempe AZ

  • LGBTQ Population – The city proper of Phoenix/Tempe is 6.4% queer, and its metro is 4.8% LGBT and Q.
  • Cost of Living – Phoenix/Tempe runs about 6% higher than the national average. Local purchasing power is 31% higher than NYC which, again, means money for more fun because your money goes further.
  • Gayborhoods – Camelback, East Camelback and Downtown Phoenix are the bright spots in gay Phoenix. In addition, the Melrose District – no Place – has many LGBTQ owned bars and restaurants.
  • More to KnowBusiness Insider ranked Phoenix/Tempe the 13th best city for LGBTQ singles. Phoenix/Tempe kinda has two Prides a year, the Phoenix Pride Festival and the Rainbows Festival.

3. Gay Albuquerque NM

  • LGBTQ Population – 4.5% of Albuquerqueans claim to be LGBTQ. The ABQ, also, ranks as one of the densest cities for same-sex couples – 5th highest in the Make America Gay Again nation.
  • Cost of Living – ABQ is one of the lower costs of living cities on our list, coming in 5% lower than the national average. Rents are a staggering 73% lower than NYC, and the local purchasing power’s 13% more than NYC. That ABQ trifecta gives you more money to invest, vacay and retire fabulously.
  • Gayborhoods – North Valley is one of the queer friendliest hoods, and other such areas include Nob Hill and the University of New Mexico’s surrounding areas.
  • More to Know – Albuquerque may be one of the last places you’d think of when you think of gay cities, but for LGBTQ seniors it ranks as the best. ranked Albuquerque in the top 20 cities for gay seniors considering its weather and low cost of living. And clearly, if you’re hitched, ABQ’s appealing.

4. Sin City, Las Vegas NV

    • LGBTQ Population – Vegas proper’s 4.6% and Vegas metro’s 3.9% queer.
    • Cost of Living – The cost of living in Vegas comes in just 1% lower than the national average, making it one of the lower-ranked gay cities on our big gay list. Rents run 63% lower than NYC, though, and the local purchasing power’s a massive 28% higher than in the NYC. Your buck goes a long way, giving you plenty of money to gamble save and invest.
    • Gayborhoods – Vegas is so much more than a gambling city. It has a thriving arts and hipster districts in both its downtown and East Fremont areas, the latter of which is home to Vegas’ LGBTQ center. Additional areas, such as North Las Vegas, Paradise and McNeil Manor have higher concentrations of queer peeps.
    • More to KnowAdvocate named Vegas the 21st gayest city in the US in 2014. Having just spent a few weeks in Vegas’ metro, we can attest to its openness to two men holding hands without fear.

5. Sac city/Gay city Sacramento CA

  • LGBTQ Population – Sacramento’s city is 9.8% and its metro is 5.5% LGBTQ.
  • Cost of Living – It’s hard to not have a city in CA on this list because the whole state is pretty damn expensive, especially near concentrations of queer folks. Sacramento’s cost of living is about 19% higher than the national average, but rents are 54% cheaper than NYC and local purchasing power is 15% higher than NYC. So, there’s a yin and a yang.
  • Gayborhoods – The neighborhoods of Curtis Park, Land Park, McKinley, Hershel, East Portal and Lubin, are gay-friendly areas. But the gayest of gay hoods in Sac City is Lavender Heights.
  • More to Know – For the high cost of living, you get a very LGBTQ-supportive community and city council. Plus, there are numerous LGBTQ-friendly social groups, such as the Sacramento LGBT Tennis Association, the Lambda Players Theatrical Group and more.

10 gay cities around the world

1. Montreal, CA

Montreal’s gay village, which runs along Rue Sainte-Catherine, is one of the most cohesive and fun gay villages in the world. It’s packed with gay bars, restaurants, clubs, shopping and Pride displays, making every LGBTQ visitor or resident feel welcome.

Although many in the area speak French as the native tongue, many can speak English with the common courtesy of visitors saying, “Bonjour! Je ne parle pas français.”

On average, you’d spend about half as much living in Montreal than in NYC, with a cosmopolitan vibe and access to great LGBTQ amenities. Rent, specifically, runs about 72% lower than NYC.

2. Mexico City, MX

Mexico City’s becoming one of the top LGBTQ gems in the Western Hemisphere with its Zona Rosa where many gay bars, restaurants and shops have popped up. Same-sex marriage became legal in Mexico in 2010, five years prior to the United States.

Like many large cities in the U.S., Mexico City became a safe place for LGBTQ folks in the 20th century and thus the LGBTQ community grew and became stronger with many of the same features common in US gay cities.

On average, you’d spend about 30% less living in Mexico City than in NYC. Learning Spanish is key to living it up at a lower cost in Mexico City. Rent’s about 80% lower than in the Big Apple, which means you’d have access to residences than anything you’d get in NYC for the same price or less.

3. Sitges, ES

Sitges is a seaside town of about 29,000 people, but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s a small and unwelcoming to LGBTQ people. Sitges is a 45-minute train ride south of Barcelona, which allows access at a much lower cost of living. Rents run between $800-1,000 a month for a 2-bedroom/2-bathroom apartment. Plus, it’s a gay mecca for vacationers and retirees, full of gay bars, restaurants, beaches, shopping and LGBTQ-themed celebrations all year long.

Two of the biggest celebrations each year are Carnaval with a gay influence and an estimated 60,000 visitors over the weeklong event, and Pride, which brings in 45,000 folks from around the area. In addition, International Bear Week each September attracts gay bears, cubs and bear lovers from all over the globe, making it the high revenue-generating two-week period each year.

Since 1996, when a few locals with anti-LGBTQ sentiments influenced the murder of a gay waiter, the City of Sitges has come out strongly condemning those actions and supporting a free and equal community for all in the area. Because of this, queer folks have become even more attracted to the beautiful beaches, low cost of living and the vibrant Catalan lifestyle.

4. Dublin, IR

The Dublin of today is very different from that of U2 and the Cranberry videos of the 80s and 90s. Dublin saw a revival when taxes were lowered for both residents and corporations, the latter of which attracted jobs and job seekers from all over Ireland and Europe.

In 2015, roughly 4% of folks polled said they identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual. With LGBTQ rights since improving in Ireland, that’s likely higher now. Some neighborhoods in the gay city, such as Stoneybatter, Grand Canal Dock and Christchurch have over 8% of residents in same-sex couples. Holy moly!

Because of the high demand for nicer neighborhoods, jobs and the influx of money, prices in Dublin are not as low as many other European cities. But they’re much lower than NYC and many other US cities, with rents about 40% less and overall cost of living about 30% lower than the Big Apple.

5. Johannesburg, SA

Did you know that South Africa’s constitution is one of the few in the world that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation? That’s more progress than the US, many European countries and gay cities to which we flock for travel and living.

NBC Out named South Africa as one of the 15 best countries for Expat Americans to move, too.

It’s roughly 70% cheaper to live in Johannesburg than NYC with rents running 83% cheaper. Your dollar will stretch further, too, especially if your earnings come from the US – taking advantage of geoarbitrage.

6. Melbourne, AU

Melbourne’s Australia’s second-largest city and the largest city in the state of Victoria, wherein the 2016 census showed that 27.1% of all same-sex couples lived. This makes it second only to New South Wales, Sydney’s home. Overall, roughly 3% of Australians identify as gay, lesbian or other, compared to just 2.6% in the US.

Melbourne’s most expensive city on this international list because of its size and Australia’s booming economy. That being said, the cost of living in Melbourne is about 45% lower than NYC, with rents being a big chunk of that at about 63% below NYC.

7. Bangkok, TH

Bangkok’s long been a draw for LGBTQ people because of its diversity and low cost of living. In 2017, the queer community, via a reader poll, named Bangkok the second most gay-friendly city in Asia, behind Tel Aviv.

In 2018, estimates of the LGBTQ population of Thailand was 8%, well above any other country on this list. Thailand enacted comprehensive anti-discrimination laws covering sexual orientation and gender identity in 2015, although many locals still feel that discrimination exists.

Including rent, living in Bangkok would cost you about 60% less than living in NYC. Rent’s approximately 75% cheaper.

8. San Jose, CR

San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica and near the center of the country. It’s also the epicenter of LGBTQ activity in Costa Rica. 2019 was the first year that a president of Costa Rica marched in its annual Pride Parade, which attracts over 100,000 people. Same-sex marriage is set to become legal in 2020, as well.

The cost of living in San Jose would run about 61% lower than in NYC with rent coming in about 80% lower. This makes San Jose one of the most affordable international gay cities for queer Expats.

9. San Juan, PR

Puerto Rico’s a commonwealth of the United States and, thus, there many similar legal protections. Some protections, such as anti-discrimination employment laws, which the U.S. still doesn’t have, have been in place in Puerto Rico since 2013.

San Juan has a thriving gay scene, with many bars, restaurants, shops and hotels that are either LGBTQ-owned or are LGBTQ-friendly.

Like many other cities on this list, rents in San Juan are much cheaper than in NYC. In fact, rents run about 76% lower, keeping San Juan’s overall cost of living about 52% below NYC’s.

10. Tel Aviv, Israel

The queer capital of the Middle East, Tel Aviv, is full of great food, shopping, LGBTQ bars and clubs, beaches and festivals. In 2017, LGBTQ people named Tel Aviv the most gay-friendly city in Asia.

Rents in Tel Aviv run about 55% below NYC and overall costs are 33% lower.

10 best gay cities for gay singles

5 best expensive gay cities for gay singles

  1. San Francisco CA – 44.7% of folks are single, 6.2% of folks are LGBTQ, Business Insider ranked it the 13th best city for LGBT singles
  2. Boston MA – 39.2% of folks are single, 4.8% are LGBTQ
  3. Los Angeles CA – 37.7% of residents are single, 4.6% of are queer, Business Insider named it the 12th best city for LGBTQ singles
  4. Ft. Lauderdale FL – 37.2% of people are single, 4.2% (Miami metro) of folks are LGBTQ
  5. Seattle WA – 36.3% of folks are single, 4.8% are LGBT

5 best low-cost gay cities for gay singles

  1. Detroit MI – 44% of folks are single, 3.9% are LGBT, Business Insider ranked it the 9th best city for LGBT singles
  2. New Orleans LA – 39.1% of folks are single, 5.1% are LGBTQ, #1 2019 by Business Insider for the best gay dating scene
  3. Las Vegas NV – 37% of folks are single, 4.3% of folks are queer
  4. Albuquerque NM – 36.8% of folks are single, as mentioned earlier ABQ has a high percentage of same-sex couples, making it 5th in the country
  5. Memphis TN – 36.5% of folks are single, 3.1% of residents are queer

8 best cities for gay couples

  1. San Francisco/Oakland CA – Both cities rank high for both male and female same-sex couples, a great location for tech jobs and 6.2% of LGBTQ population.
  2. Seattle WA – Seattle ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples, another great location for tech jobs and a queer population of 4.8%.
  3. Portland OR – Portland ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples, 8.8% for the city and 6.1% for the metro area respectively and Advocate named it the 20th gayest city in the US in 2014.
  4. Washington DC – DC ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples, high for same-sex couples and high for job seekers. It’s also the city with the highest LGBTQ concentration in the nation, 8.6%. It’s a very expensive city but has access to high paying jobs for those with the experience for the right fields.
  5. Long Beach CA – Long Beach ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples. Plus, it’s more relaxed than LA with a slightly lower cost of living.
  6. New York, NY – NYC ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples. With access to pretty much anything you’d want for food, entertainment and lifestyle, the cost of living is the highest in the country. That said, there are pockets, such as Brooklyn and Astoria, where rent is more reasonable and daily needs can be more easily met than other pockets in NYC.
  7. Minneapolis MN – Minneapolis ranks high for both male and female same-sex couples.
  8. Albuquerque NM – ABQ ranks high for female same-sex couples and has a low cost of living for those who want to raise a family. Albuquerque offers warmer weather than many northern cities on the list. Plus, the low cost of living allows for more travel, dining out and investing for retirement. Albuquerque ranks as one of the best places for queer retirement, too.

More information about the best places for queer people to retire can be found here.

5 best cities for LGBTQ millennials

  1. Boston MA – 39.2% of folks are single, 4.8% of folks are LGBTQ and Boston ranked high in WalletHub’s best cities for job seekers.
  2. Washington DC – DC ranks high for same-sex couples, as well as high for job seekers. It’s also the city in the nation with the highest queer concentration, at 8.6% of the population, which is good for finding a partner or a roommate.
  3. Orlando FL – 4.1% of the population ID as LGBTQ. WalletHub gave Orlando the highest ranking for job seekers, in addition, roughly 33% of the population is single.
  4. Phoenix AZ – Phoenix’s city is 6.4% and its metro is 4.8% identify as queer. Business Insider ranked it the 13th best city for LGBTQ singles, but it has two areas nearby, Chandler and Scottsdale, that both rank great for job seekers. Phoenix also has a lower cost of living than most LGBTQ-dense cities.
  5. Denver CO – Our own Denver’s become the mecca of the west, making it a home to some of the highest numbers of LGBTQ and Millennial folks. Denver’s cost of living has gone up over the past few years, yet it’s still much cheaper than San Fran or NYC. There are thriving arts, microbrew and outdoor enthusiast scenes, too.


How to finalize where you want to move

The American Moving and Storage Association says the average cost of to another state (moving 7,400 pounds 1,225 miles) is about $4,300 and the average cost of moving with your state (4 movers moving 7,400 pounds at $200 per hour) is about $2,300.

With that in mind, how do you budget and plan for a move? We share 15 steps below.

Checklist for moving out of state

There’s more to moving than daydreaming or wanting to get out of Dodge. First, you want to be sure where you’re moving to is better than where you’re moving from. We like the places listed above but you might not.

Second, you’ll need to get your ducks in a row to make your move happen successfully. That’s what we spell out in the list below. Complete these 15 steps and it’ll be smooth sailing to the new gay city you’ll soon call home in no time.

1. Visit new states or cities to move to

Once you picked the two or three cities you’d consider moving to, it’s time to decide which city wins your coveted crown. Here’s our 2-step plan to do just that.

The best part is that you get a mini-vacation with each visit and you’ll start funding your actual move.

First, apply for a cash back rewards credit card. You’ll need a credit card from the start to the end of your move. It’ll make life easier and offer some protection. Examples include booking your Airbnb and flights to scope each city, as we recommend below, to hiring your moving company and buying your packing materials.

Second, schedule a trip to each city by booking both an Airbnb stay and, for cities that aren’t within driving distance, flights. We recommend staying in each city for three to five days, ideally including both week and weekend days. Try to book your Airbnb in the neighborhood(s) you’d most like to live in, if possible.

Using Airbnb rather than hotels will help you save money. Plus, if you get an Airbnb with a kitchen or kitchenette, you’ll save money by cooking most of your meals at the Airbnb.

2. Find a place to live once you pick a state or city

Once you pick the new gay city you’ll call home, pick a place to live. If you’re buying a home, hire a real estate agent. The agent will assess your budget and needs, then find suitable homes for your review. Hopefully, from there, you find the perfect home and make an offer.

The right agent can make or break this experience. So, pick the right gal or guy.

Of course, you may prefer or need to rent an apartment. Renting makes more sense than buying, too, until you’re 100% sure you want to live in your new city for more than five years.

Apartment hunting can be even harder than house hunting because so many apartments can feel the same, and like most guys on first dates, they can put on a good face until you make it your home and realize it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

3. Budget

You can now estimate that your move will cost between $2,300 to $4,300, and the sooner you start budgeting the better. This’ll ensure Dorothy doesn’t find herself broke before she clicks her heels. To avoid that, we’ve got two resources for you.

Sign up for our Budget Buster Bundle. With this bundle, we’ll walk you step-by-step with creating a dynamic budget that we and all our course members use. It’s super-detailed and will help you incorporate all your future moving expenses, so you aren’t caught off guard and aren’t stressed out.

4. Prepare to move yourself

If you decide to physically move everything yourself to save even more money, you’ll need a truck. Gone are the days of throwing everything you own in the back of a VW.

U-Haul has a great reputation and has proven itself to be easy and reliable to use. In fact, I used U-Haul to move from Central Pennsylvania to Denver Colorado after I decided to make my own move to my own gay city.

If you’d rather not drive your own truck, cause it can be kinda scary, hook yourself up with U-Pack once all your boxes are packed. U-Pack will deliver you a crate to put all your items, then you have three business days to load your crate before U-Pack returns to pick up your crate and move it to your new home.

Upon arrival, you unpack everything yourself, and you save yourself a ton of money compared to hiring movers.

Remember to use the credit card you sign up for in step 1 to book your reservation.

5. Or, hire movers

If you choose to hire movers, do so ASAP so you have the flexibility to pick moving dates that work best for you. If you wait too close to moving day, you’ll have to be flexible with your dates. Fortunately, you can also hire U-Haul’s movers to move your stuff.

Again, remember to use the credit card you sign up for in step 1 to book your reservation.

6. Buy moving insurance

Moving’s not easy, things break and people can get hurt. So, protect yourself and your assets by purchasing moving insurance. It’s better to pay the small premium for insurance than to arrive at your new home with your dining room table broken into two.

7. Clean house

The less you have to move, the cheaper and easier it will be to move.  Here are four ways to downsize.

  • Go all Marie Kondo and decide which of your belongings actually spark joy.
  • Take the 12-12-12 Challenge: Pick 12 items to throw away, 12 to give away and 12 to be returned to their proper home.
  • Try the 4-Box Method: Grab 3 boxes and a trashcan. Label the boxes “Put Away,” “Give Away” and “Sell.” Then, fill up each box and the trashcan accordingly.
  • Do the Past/Future Exercise: Assess your emotions with every item you own (clothes, furniture, technology, art, etc.). If it generates a positive vibe, decide if it belongs in your new life in your new gay city. If not, donate it, sell it or trash it. If it generates a negative vibe, donate it, sell it or trash it.

While you’re doing this exercise, remember that there are people in need. Before trashing anything, decide if you want to give it to a loved one or donate it to your local LGBTQ Center that has a donation program or Goodwill.

8. Start packing

Once you’ve unloaded your non-essentials, start packing. Set a goal of packing one to two boxes a day over several weeks and packing won’t feel so painful.

9. Update your utilities

When you’re a month out from your move, start updating the utilities of yours that you’re moving with you.

Some utilities, electric and landline phones, for example, depending on where you’re moving will follow you. Others, such as cable, you’ll have to cancel where you currently live and reconnect at your new home.

10. Update homeowner’s/renter’s insurance

Also, a month before your move, update your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, as appropriate. Even though you’re calling in advance of your official move, your insurance company or companies will be able to schedule the ending or starting or your insurance at the appropriate times.

11. Say farewell

Moving week will be hectic. If you wait until then to say goodbye to everyone, you’ll go crazy and you’ll forget someone. Start saying your goodbyes two weeks out. This way you won’t miss someone, and you reduce moving-week-stress.

12. Update and forward your mail

Two weeks before your move, let everyone and everything, including the US Postal Service, know that you’re moving and what your new address is. Most of these updates, including the US Postal Service, can be made online to save a ton of time and hassle.

13. Get your new driver’s license and vehicle registration

Once you’ve moved, update your driver’s license and vehicle registration. If you’re moving in-state, this can be updated online in most states. If you’re moving out of state, you’ll likely have to – UGH! – go to the DMV.

Sorry, but it’s true.

But busting this out sooner rather than later will make your life way easier to start. Plus, doing so will update your permanent residence for your voter registration. You don’t want to miss voting in an election, both local and national.

14. Purchase pet license and tags

If you have a pet, update your pet’s license and tags as soon as you move. You don’t want Fido to get in trouble with the local authorities. That’s too scary for both of you.

15. Update/buy pet insurance

While you’re updating your pet’s license and tags, update or buy adequate pet insurance.

Live fabulously in affordable gay cities

The leading spends in the LGBTQ community are travel, dining out, entertainment and personal hygiene – gurlz gotta have good hair.

None of these are cheap, and they’re made less affordable if rent, transportation and taxes eat up most of your income. So, what do most of us do when we’re confronted with high living expenses and the desire for a fabulous life?

We use our credit cards to support a lifestyle we can’t afford, rather than use them strategically and in our favor.

Thus, the reason why credit card debt is the leading financial concern of queer people. But personal security and financial security don’t need to be mutually exclusive. Living in one of the affordable gay cities above will give you the best of both.

More tips for preparing for a big move:

Note: This article contains affiliate links, meaning we’ll receive payment at no cost to you if you buy through these links. We only recommend products we use or thoroughly vet and would recommend to our moms.  Buying too many of these is how you live fabulously broke. To live fabulously with financial security, start here.

102 responses to “25 Affordable Gay Cities You’re Forgetting

  1. I can definitely agree with you that New York City is EXPENSIVE!!! Going out with your friends and ordering just one drink can cost you $15 when you can get that same exact drink for $7 anywhere else!!

  2. You missed Columbus Ohio. We have one of the largest gay populations in the Mid-west, second only to Chicago. Plus we’re the home to a multitude of large companies, so there are plenty of jobs to go around. Check us out!

    1. Thanks for the hint. We didn’t find Columbus ranking high on the per capita for LGBT populations. Maybe the lists we were looking at need some updating. We are going to be in Akron for a speaking event in 2017. We may have to drive on over.

    2. Have lived in Columbus, Ohio 34 years. It has gone from a cow town to a VERY diverse and Gay-friendly town. Housing, salaries, education, Arts/Foodie community-check ,check, and check! Also, GAY majority neighborhoods. German Village, Victorian Village, and Clintonville. Cost of housing is amazing! Supportive City council, mayor, and even state reps. They even march or ride in June @ PRIDE!

      1. Outside of the tiny enclaves mentioned, Columbus is far from a gay-friendly town. I grew up on the west side for my first 14 years and then was gone for 50 years. I came back to care for my very elderly parents and stayed for 6 years. Everyone told me how much it had changed. I didn’t find that to be true. In fact out of Columbus, Detroit, NYC, Boca Raton, Phoenix, and Las Vegas (other places I’ve lived) Columbus was the most racist, anti-gay, bigoted town. As far as cost of living, it’s ok except for property taxes, but if you are looking for that average $47, three course meal,(of quality) you’ll have to look for it in the more bigoted areas, rather than the gayborhoods. Also, the weather is atrocious and if you are not an OSU buckeye, lord help you.

    3. Thats true. I lived there over 20 years. Definately growing . Columbus is a great city, and a great mayor!

      1. I was just watching c-span on LGBTQ diversity and financial inclusion planning and Columbus ranked particularly high among other cities/states such as Houston Texas that is gay friendly however based on traditional operations and functions makes it difficult to get a great job or homeownership. I’m a single from Dayton we have limited job opportunities nightlife and feasible housing! I would def consider relocating there!!! Plus I’m a huge The Ohio State fan lol!!!!!

  3. Hey David! It’s Zanaan; thanks for including Salt Lake City on your list. I moved from Denver to Salt Lake and I always tell people it’s the biggest best kept gay secret in America!! The LGBTQ community is thriving here in the city, with a Lesbian Mayor, Gay city council members, booming economy and one of the largest populations of gay families with children, it’s no wonder why Salt Lake City is being touted as the new San Francisco.

    1. Thanks Mike, we may need to add that to our list. We also pull from the listing of cities with higher than average LGBT populations. I am not sure where LV stands on that list. Do you?

  4. I certainly hope that you don’t truly believe that Louisville, KY is a city where gay couples can walk down the street, holding hands, without experiencing frequent comments, jeers, or threats! To believe that, would only demonstrate that you haven’t done so yourself. And if you have, and didn’t have a negative experience, then I assure you, it’s not the norm!

  5. Looking for a safe and gay friendly- gay population city with a large Asian and Pacific Islander presence

    Healthcare is a very important consideration

  6. Austin has gotten much more expensive over the past several years and only getting worse. Our diverse neighborhood (ethnically and LGBTQ, older ppl and families) is becoming less so because of housing prices and property taxes. It’s sad and we’re looking for a less expensive place to retire when the time comes.

  7. Do you have a list of the best LGBTQ small towns? I would love to find a quaint town that it is gay friendly and liberal, somewhere out of the South, and somewhere that hasn’t become overly gentrified. I know, that’s a lot to ask for.

    1. New Hope, Pennsylvania and Lambertville, New Jersey (across the Delaware River from one another) are very gay friendly and quaint.

    2. Replying to Jeremy about seeking small towns in the south that are LGBTQ friendly — it almost doesn’t exist unless you are interested in the small towns near Atlanta like for instance Avondale Estates. To find liberal communities you have to study how these places vote. If predominantly Republican, then go elsewhere. The very best small city in the US I think is Port Townsend, WA. Housing is relatively cheap and cost of living is not exorbitant. No state income tax in Washington state. The closer you get to Seattle, however, is almost cost prohibitive.

        1. If you’re a college age lesbian (the five college area) , but not really for gay men. And, Massachusetts taxes and cost of living is outrageous! They call it Taxachusetts for good reason..

          1. Not true. It’s not all about hook-ups but about community, and the LGBTQ+ is strong there. MANY men have made the move. In fact, many – in large friends groups, even – have moved from Provincetown to escape gentrification. Some P-Town businesses have locations there. Many owners live there in winters. Even a P-Town taxi company has dispatchers there. And there’s a Shop Therapy!

    3. Fayetteville. Arkansas has a large, vocal, pretty well received group of gay residents. It is a small town with a big college. They have a large Pride Parade every year.

      1. Yas queen to Fayetteville, AR ?️‍?, I plan on relocating to that area from Denver. Those that may be unaware of the northwest section of this state comprised of a few different cities (IE: Springdale/Rogers/Bentonville) do some research you may be surprised. Housing is way affordable (although wages are commensurate), growth in recent years has been hot and it appears to be a relatively progressive spot considering the more southern location. I see this area growing exponentially in the future. It’s been at the top of best places to live~

    4. Check out Asheville, NC. It’s not inexpensive, but progressive, artsy, and quaint! Beautiful scenery in the Blue Ridge Mtns.

    5. I am hesitant to promote my town of Staunton, Virginia because we are not wanting it to become a bigger city. At the same time, I sure want to welcome all LGBTQ+ friends to explore what we offer. Very liberal in the middle of a conservative rural are, only 100 miles to DC, a classical music festival and summer music institute each year, along with Shakespeare theatre, a fine art scene and small college. Not so great for the single gays.

  8. I agree with others about SLC being a good place to locate. I’ve considered Austin too, but I think we should let politics be our guide. If for instance one were interested in Louisville, KY, all you have to do is look at who your senators and congressmen are. In Kentucky would you as a LGBTQ person depend on Mich McConnell, Rand Paul, or the up and coming Kim Davis (who got national attention for her refusal to issue marriage licenses to gays) to defend your rights? Nowhere is perfect for us, but don’t set your sights on backwards towns, cities, and states.

  9. I’m a 63 yr old gay woman who is in a nursing home in Novato, CA! I’m basically healthy I just got stuck here due to unfortunate circumstances and nowhere to go! I lived in Northern NJ my whole life and in 2016 my Mother passed away! I had been living with her for 16 years, I gave up my life and at the end I couldn’t take of her or myself any longer! My younger sister suggested I move here for s better life and I thought I was! I thought she was going to help me get back on my feet and find permanent, affordable housing! At the time I did not know the Bay Area was not only the most expensive place to live in the country but the 2nd most expensive in the world! I ended up in shelters at the age of 62! I didn’t know how to do this but somehow I survived! I ended up in a nursing home because of knee surgery and I believe the only reason I’m here still is because of some medical difficulties and because I tried to take my life! I want to live but I want housing I can afford without 3 or 4 20 year olds sharing a bathroom! I want to be honest about who I am and enjoy some of the things I use to! I want to work and help others! I been so abused and taken advantage of and that is not happening any longer either! I have no roots any more I just want my own space and bathroom and to find lgbt friendships again! And possibly even a relationship! I wish my experience here in CA had been better but I wasn’t prepared and I planned to be now! If you can help me find housing without being in the middle of the boon docks where I’d be slaughtered if I used the gay word I’d be grateful! I’m in a nursing home in Novato and believe me a lot of these older people are Trump lovers and they scare the hell out of me! I appreciate the roof over my head but it’s time to find a place to call home and to have a key to my own door! Thank You for your time and listening and I hope you can help me!

        1. Albuquerque is very liberal and affordable we have a lot crime because we take in a lot people from other states . For the most part people are friendly nice and tolerant. No one really cares what your doing pretty non judgemental

  10. Salt Lake City and Austin for sure. Plus Portland and Las Vegas. Chicago if you can take the cold.

    1. I live in Portland and unfortunately it’s not what it seems in terms of being “gay friendly”. Portland was decent for gay and lesbians couples but, a few years ago we started seeing more and more anti-gay religious groups come in and buy the buildings that had many of the gay and lesbian establishments. When they did that they didn’t let the businesses renew their leases or they increased the rent so much that it wasn’t affordable. On top of all this Portland is getting to be on our with Seattle as far as cost of living goes. In fact my husband and I were looking at moving to Chicago, and we discovered the cost of living is higher in Portland than Chicago. So I am glad that Portland didn’t make the list.

      1. Oh, Portland is a waste of space. I’ve lived here for 24 years now, and am doing everything I can to escape it’s restrictive, self-importance. Hipsters and uniformed individuality (everyone is a lemming) is tiresome.

    2. Are you kidding? The cost of living is high in Portland. We have a housing crisis, and rent is exorbitantly expensive.

  11. A warning to anyone considering Denver as an option – it’s not.

    We came out here for a month to check it out – nothing pays over 16.00 an hour including I.T., developers and software engineers. It’s a disgustingly dirty city with bad roads, horrible drivers, and the economy is marginal at best. So many people came here for the pot boom and those jobs are FILLED and GONE with many waiting in line…the largest and most successful pot store in Colorado was recently shuttered due to a huge federal intervention and now hundreds of employees have felonies on their records…pot may be legal, but it’s still heavily monitored and regulated here.

    It IS NOT a gay friendly city regardless of what you read, and everyone is segregated into neighborhoods – there is a gay ghetto like very city near City Park and Cheeseman Park (and I mean GHETTO – it’s stuck in the 80’s), but I rarely see “family” in the area, including the grocery store. People will tell you they are cool with queers, just don’t move into their neighborhood…remember that couple who couldn’t get a wedding cake made here? – yah – that’s Denver…

    Not sure where to go – Austin is a blue dot in a red sea and seems to only be attractive to hipsters, Salt Lake is full of Mormons and IS the city Book Of Mormon describes – live there, but know the Mormons rule the city…and the state. If you’re gay and Mormon, well good for you.

    Can’t wait to get out of this backwards dirt bowl…but have no idea where to go next – spent most of our lives in Seattle but it is overpriced and lackluster considering it rains 10 months out of the year, and is quickly becoming San Francisco. Portland won’t hire us because we have CA jobs on our resumes. Moving North to Chicago sounds miserable, and Las Vegas is just…sad…and was the most impacted city in the last downturn.

    If anyone has a better idea, I’d love to hear it…

    1. Same . I live in Chicago and I do enjoy a lot but I’m getting tired of the cold. I definitely looking for warmth.

    2. Vegas baby! Met my boyfriend here! It’s very diverse and really much more than the Strip (that most tourists rarely see). Came here in 1985…I’d say the plus’s outway the minus’s. Something for everyone! You’re welcome!

      1. Lived in Vegas from 2020 – 2022. Great place to live, especially off the strip. Thanks for commenting.

      2. We moved from LA after 20 years to Vegas and love it- affordable, High end shops, restaurants and people moved here en masse with a divers African American population, Asian population and many divers neighborhoods. Not sad at all, actually fun, with a relaxing down time vibe if you retire here.

  12. I found Salem, Ma – an artsy, rainbow flying, sea side community when I was priced out of the LGBT neighborhoods in Boston.

  13. I’ve lived in Kentucky my entire life. There are no cities where you can comfortably live as a gay man. Lots of toxic masculinity, racism, and religious ignorance and intolerance. Do yourself a favor and do not move to Louisville.

    1. Hi Charles, and anyone else who can contribute:
      Good to know. I live in Los Angeles and the cost of living is out of control. I saw property is cheaper in Kentucky and was thinking of moving to Lexington or Louisville. Here’s the thing, while I am straight, my 11 year old daughter has come out. I am very protective of her and read that KY was moderately tolerant. What would be your or any one else who is reading this(‘s) honest opinion? Thanks -Chris

      1. you are delusional. Kentucky is not, repeat not even LGBT tolerant. Busloads of white supremacists everywhere, your daughter would not be safe in or out of school. Do not make that grave mistake. Try Phoenix nearby, Even though it is a red state, we have a dozen LGBT Dem legislators, Must live in Phoenix, Tempe or Tucson. Kids have decent schools but for HS must find a well rated free charter school for her. Friends kids all went and succeeded. LGBT rights ordinances in Tucson, Phoenix and Tempe. See all the Cali cars lately that moved in my building great incomes just couldn’t afford Cali any more.

      2. Do not move to Kentucky if you or anyone of your family is LBGTQ! I have a good friend who lives in the state and says it’s not an easy life for gays there.

  14. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions on this list. I moved from Seattle in 2011 to the Midwest to be with family. Yes, Seattle is a very expensive city, however, you DO get what you pay for. A post earlier regarding KY talked about safety while holding hands with a same sex person (Thank you Jeremy P. For your comment), and I can say without question that Seattle is THE only city I have ever lived that one can feel comfortable being a gay person or holding hands/walking arm and arm (my preference *smile*) with a special someone. Yes, you may get the occasional look, but it’s not one of hatred, it’s one of “ohh, right…I live in Seattle, I’m cool with this”. (In my opinion anyway). They also have the largest gay and lesbian business association in the country! They even give scholarships to lgbt students for college!

    So now I’m looking for a new place to live. I’ve been in the worst midwestern state for gay people for 7 years now and need to retreat. (They truly hate us…they aren’t ignorant, they just hate us. Let’s move on.)

    Again, thanks to those who’ve added to this list. Does anywone else feel we lost a lot more than just the ability to have nice chats with other like-minded gay folk when went down? I remember talking to people on there before I moved/visited anywhere just to get a feel for neighborhoods and local opinions. It was always helpful! I’m still friends with a number of them to this day. Sadly, we seemed to have reached our peak/epoch around 2016. Laws were changed, minds were finally starting to open and we were taken seriously! Even respected. No more. I guess we just got too proud and too free.
    Whatever the case, I still hold those triumphant days in my chest/soul. Maybe soon I’ll find myself in a city or town that respects all walks of life. Revels in diversity, even celebrates it.

    The search continues. But hey, we ARE still out here. No matter how they try to push us off the table or reimagine us, we are here. Woohoo! We are here.

  15. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions on this list. I moved from Seattle in 2011 to the Midwest to be with family. Yes, Seattle is a very expensive city, however, you DO get what you pay for. A post earlier regarding KY talked about safety while holding hands with a same sex person (Thank you Jeremy P. For your comment), and I can say without question that Seattle is THE only city I have ever lived that one can feel comfortable being a gay person or holding hands/walking arm and arm (my preference *smile*) with a special someone. Yes, you may get the occasional look, but it’s not one of hatred, it’s one of “ohh, right…I live in Seattle, I’m cool with this”. (In my opinion anyway). They also have the largest gay and lesbian business association in the country! They even give scholarships to lgbt students for college!

    So now I’m looking for a new place to live. I’ve been in the worst midwestern state for gay people for 7 years now and need to retreat. (They truly hate us…they aren’t ignorant, they just hate us. Let’s move on.)

    Again, thanks to those who’ve added to this list. Does anywone else feel we lost a lot more than just the ability to have nice chats with other like-minded gay folk when went down? I remember talking to people on there before I moved or visited anywhere to get a feel for neighborhoods and suggestions by locals. It was always helpful! I’m still friends with some of them to this day. Sadly, we seemed to have reached our peak/epoch around 2016. Laws were changed, minds were finally starting to open and we were taken seriously, respected. No more. I guess we just got too proud and too free.
    Whatever the case, I still hold those triumphant days in my chest/soul.

    The search continues. But hey, we ARE still out here. No matter how they try to push us off the table or reimagine us, we are here. Woohoo! We are here.

  16. Me and my partner have been together 20 years and we currently live in norther NJ we are looking for a great place to retire we are both retired and have a specific amount of money per month.
    We are looking for a town that is gay friendly, I worry about my partner because he is a bit flamboyant and is a bit of a target for haters, we own our house so the good thing is when we sell we will have that money to buy another hopefully with a little left over. We would love to find a house somewhere between 200,000.00 to 230,000.00 not a penny more. The propert taxes here in NJ are getting out of control. We would love some direction from anyone who can give us some advice we would love a warmer climate and was thinking of Florida, however I hate bugs and heard they are big big big in Florida……we don’t want anywhere there are and enormous community of religious fanatics……..

    1. My partner of 30 years and two dogs have found life great in the North Ga mountains. We live in a town called Ellijay which opens s close to Blue Ridge. We are located 90 mi north of Atlanta. U would easily find properties very nice but n your price range! Check it out! Life is great here!

    2. Joseph,

      If you are still looking, St. Petersburg, Florida was just rated as the third best city for gay folks in the U. S. by The climate is warm, there are relatively few “large bugs” here., and the city has become one of the major cultural/artistic centers of the Southeast. There are beautiful sandy beaches all around to the west of the city. Most importantly, there is a a large retired gay community that is quite active through the Metro Wellness Center with weekly discussion sections, outings, social events etc.

      1. hello i live in lakeland florida usa moved here from ft lauderdale florida the temp is not to bad and the storms you get use to but you do not want to move to st peterburg fl it is real expensive it is all so a lot of people buying homes and getting flooded during the storms i like lakeland florida it is still not to bad as far as cost of living but cost of living went up all over the country i live in north lakeland florida usa and i like it here i am gay my whole life and i am 69 years old it is some what gay friendly and is a med size city close to all the stores there is south lakeland and downtown lakeland i like north lakeland better houses are about 250k for 3 bedroom 2 bath house 1700 sqft and here you are in land away from the beaches so the storms are not as bad

    3. Santa Fe but it’s getting expensive. I suggest you visit.Albuquerques north valley is wonderful and corrales is more affordable Albuquerque has a high crime rate but when you live in the NW or the north valley you isolated from it farms fields beautiful gardens it’s a bit of the south in the desert it’s green an lush . Albuquerque is huge and differs vastly depending on where you go

  17. I must start this by Saying I found it totally by accident, or should I say “providence?”
    I am right in there as so many of us are. I lived in Fort Lauderdale for 45 years, my late 20’s to my 50’s.
    It was fabulous. I am a Hairdresser with National and International recognition. I worked hard, and believe me, PLAYED HARD. I regret not one single day of my then life and would probably kill to go back and do it ll again.
    I was very fortunate and met the most magnificent man in a hustler bar, who was taking a girlfriend of mine fr every penny she had playing pool. I am not a pool player, per se’ but I went in, took the game she lost for $100 and did a double or nothing. I lost. Too Bad. I went in again and asked for a double or nothing and he said “Sure” with much haste. I then, somehow, as fate would have it, I broke and after all the balls went their way, I got the eight ball in on the break. (That’s good I think)
    Well he left owing me money and had to borrow $20 to get home.
    I had to chase him down, only to get my $20 (uhumm)
    What I got was a magnificent man in every way possible. Sadly this “magnificent man” came with a crack habit, a stealing habit, legal problems, and just about everything you would think of from finding him in a hustler bar in downtown Ft La di da.
    For better or worse, I had it bad. After multiple $1,000’s of legal fees, stolen jewelry, stolen money, stolen cars, blah blah blah, it is now going to be 20 years on April 27th, 2019.
    Unfortunately I got sick in 1999 (Congestive Heart Failure), and had to start dissolving y empire.
    At that time I had 4 Salons in the South Florida area, with 2 in Lauderdale. We had a Family Restaurant, (open 6 am to 10 pm), a Gentleman’s Club (open 23 hours a day per law), 4 Escort Services (1 Female 4 Male and 3 Male 4 Male with hours that were busy mostly from 8 pm to 5 am, the bartenders get urges too), we had adopted a young Latin Girl who was in the 3rd Grade (her family spoke no English, her Dad was an abusive drunk, and when the parents fought, she had to call the Police because she was the only one who spoke English).
    One day her Dad came over to see his wife (I had her come in and do laundry and clean the Salon for extra money and to get away from “HIM.”
    His daughter, Graziela (but she wanted to be called Jennifer), was playing with getting fake nails from the manicurist and such, which he did not like. So he saw this and said, She likes it here and you so much, why you no take here.
    I was gobsmacked and said what do you mean, and what he meant was TAKE HER. So she is not his problem anymore.
    After 3 Lawyers, much paperwork and counseling from someone who spoke Spanish and could tell them whats up, she was officially adopted. (I offered to take the Mom as well but she was afraid he would kill her if she tried to leave.
    She moved, went from failing in school to excelling and becoming on the Honor Roll.
    Long section here turned into Readers Digest version, her Mom came to see her weekends. She would stay over, until he got jealous. Then she had to ride along with him on his job. YES, he got a job.
    He was a delivery person for KFC. When he was between calls, she had to sit in the car, so he could watch her. No comment on this part anymore.
    After a couple years, she started going to their house (trailer) to visit on weekends. He would drop her off Sunday mornings, then after a while, he started just dropping her at school as that was on his was to KFC, to cook chicken now (inter-company advancement).
    The one day about 2 years later, we had here for almost 5 1/2 years by now, the school called and said “Jennifer did not show up for school.”
    YEP! You guessed it. We went to the Trailer Park where they were living, and “no body speaka no English…….”
    She as gone, the family was gone, the trailer was empty.
    The Police came and found out they left on Saturday morning, seemingly right after he picked her up.
    The Police looked for 3 weeks avidly but finally said (without any insinuations to Latin people by myself), Latin people are a very close knit people. They don’t have to KNOW you to help you. All you have to say is somebody is trying to take my daughter and “poof” – INVISIBLE!
    They gave up and so did I.
    Side note about 3 years later I was coming out of Home Depot and saw her Dad going in the store with a young lady. To this day I swear it was here but my “Hustler” said, it could be anybody.
    About a month later, he told me he thought it was her also. He told me “She will remember you for the rest of her life. You took her out of a place of distress and made her an A student, dressed her to the nines, taught her manners and helped her think about her future (she wants to be a lawyer that helps people who can’t afford a lawyer). Wonder where that came from.
    In any case, this whole tirade has been to tell you that I am presently stuck in SW Florida, the Venice area. We happen to be house sitting but that is ending soon, like REAL SOON, maybe next week.
    There is no place to go.
    My 45 yr old body is now a 65+ body that can not walk. I got to be 605 lbs when I had CHF, and have no cartilage in my joints, as well as peripheral neuropathy from lack of movement in my legs. I get around by Power Chair or I don’t go.
    My better half (let’s call him John, a little play on how we met) is not the 22 he was when we met. Did I forget to tell you he was 24 years younger than me when we met?
    He works 22 hours a day, as he has to cook for me, clean for me, clean ME, wash the clothes, do the shopping, everything.
    I am sure when he met this middle aged Hairdresser with a Jaguar, a Ford F250, AND a Corvette, he thought he hit the golden goose. And he did for many years.
    When I awoke from CHF and he was still there, I was shocked to say the least.
    That is when I knew I found the “soul mate” so many talk about.
    I know he is still there when I am screaming at him not to drop me when I need to get in the truck (I lost weight but still 382)), or when I call him and say I dropped my pen, then 10 minutes later, I dropped my mouse, then 5 minutes later when I call and say Can I get a soda please.
    He is still here.
    I am blessed.
    We have looked for a place to go for over a year now and there is no place. He can’t get a job because I can not even go to the bathroom by myself.
    I get $750 on disability, and $560 of that goes to my truck payment.
    Then I have to create the rest of our lives out of thin air. Food, Internet, Electricity, Pet Food, Laundry Money, all the things it takes to live today.
    So your article has become a guide of what to try and do when and where.
    Thank You, don’t stop by any means and maybe you will become our Saviour!
    Sorry for the fatal attack of loquaciousness.
    Next time tell me to shut up!
    Thank You, my friend.

  18. How does anyone feel about Philadelphia? I’m looking to retire from NYC but still want a city lifestyle (don’t want a car), somewhere gay friendly, with good healthcare, an international airport for frequent travel and no city state taxes on retirement income. Philadelphia seems to fit and I’ve been there twice but would love to hear what anyone else thinks.

    1. Philadelphia is one of the best kept secrets. You can enjoy a city lifestyle at a much lower cost than any other major US city. It is a liberal city with a gayborhood. It is a little gritty, but authentic. It is also easy to get out of town and in 1 ,2, 4 hours you can take a day trip or road trip to so many diverse other locations.

    1. I’m a native who moved back to Boston. While liberal politically, city gay life is one of the worst in any city that I’ve lived. The people are as cold and unfriendly as reported. Housing costs are going through the roof, close to San Francisco levels. And there aren’t any gay neighborhoods. The South End was gay and still is gay-ish but too many young straight couples with baby strollers.

  19. I live in Seattle and this is on point. I lived in indianapolis a few years back and it was surprisingly LGBTQ friendly. In the city. Not outside the city. Also affordable. Im almost surprised it didn’t make the list.

  20. Hey guys! This is such a great list. But I still need your help. Im currently living in Jacksonville Florida and it is not a gay friendly as I though it would be. There aren’t that many lesbian friendly places to go and meet people. So a last I will be moving elsewhere. Where can a black bi women feel not only comfortable being bi but can also live affordably and still be able to meet people at lesbian friendly bars and restaurants?

  21. I lived in Jacksonville for years and yes it much cheaper than the rest of Florida and the people are more friendly than Fort Lauderdale where I live now . I am looking at Austin or Salt Lake now over south Florida . Cost of living here is terrible and very hard to meet anyone .

    1. yes steven i lived in ft lauderdale from 2012 til jan of 2017 got tired of all the high prices so i moved to lakeland florida and bought a house in north lakeland fl that was a good move for me and yes lakeland fl is cheaper then ft lauderdale so how old are you steven if i many ask i am on facebook you can message me there if you want would like to hear from you

  22. Palm Springs is a Gay Retirement HOT SPOT…… so much so, that prices have been rising. But the city is approx. 60% gay ( one of the highest in the country). Weather is unbeatable, with 360 days of sun. For California, the housing costs are still affordable. And we have major health care both locally and near by. Plus plenty of outdoor activities like great hiking, the country’s second largest film festival, a year round street fair, Modernism Week, GREAT RESTAURANTS, and plenty of entertainment due to all of the local casinos who attract big name entertainers.

  23. As a Southerner who has lived in several places, including Atlanta, there are several small Southern cities that are gay friendly and affordable. If you can stomach the state legislature, both Asheville and Raleigh, NC are gay friendly. These are liberal enclaves in a conservative state. I find Charleston, SC welcoming, though less so outside of the historic district.

  24. Has anyone heard anything about Vancouver, WA? Just sold and moved out of Seattle. Biding our time before we jump back into the housing market and thought Vancouver WA looked interesting. Cheers!

  25. My partner of 30 years and two dogs have found life great in the North Ga mountains. We live in a town called Ellijay which is close to Blue Ridge. We are located 90 mi north of Atlanta. U would easily find properties very nice n your price range! Check it out! Life is great here! Growing gay area especially for couples.

  26. Come to Fairfield Iowa! Liberal, International. Democratic gem of a town. People are healthy and into Transcendental Meditation, organic gardening, and are very evolved, welcoming, and accepting! Cost of living. Is very low, and it is 1.5 hours from Iowa City. Lots of houses to fix up and businesses to be built here! Come one come all! We relocated from Chelsea, NYC and it is super easy to make good friends here and we need more cool people! Very LGBQT friendly!!!

  27. Albuquerque is affordable, gay friendly, low real estate prices, lots to do, and a perfect climate. Major drawbacks would be geographically isolated and relatively high crime rate.

  28. WoW! Thanks to this article I am about to do an extensive search for an affordable condo for this 66 yo retiree (former dancer/ professor). I’m single. So survival is on SS and very small pension! Have to be in an accepting/democratic (liberal) area/friendly to gay seniors/and social life! I would appreciate any/all feedback comments. $125,000 that includes HOA = total no higher than $750/monthly. One (of very few pioneering) Gay Single Men who adopted two sons (now 20 & 27), while working FT as a professor. Fought through the negativity of most in the LGBTQ sharing, “will never happen”! Well, it DAD!!!! Now by myself and searching for the next chapter to live (and possibly partner up!) LOL

  29. I grew up in NYC and lived in DC and visited most major US cities on business. I moved to Philly in the 70s and recently came out as trans and love Philly… is so LGBT friendly. The city is not huge but very picturesque and a relatively median cost of living. Heck, seniors over 65 get to ride all trains and busses and trolleys for free….and people are pretty friendly compared to NY

  30. I’ve been searching for a place to settle and eventually retire there. Austin, TX is getting too expensive along with having an absolutely horrible automobile traffic problem and an inadequate public transportation system. The infrastructure has not kept up with the growing population.

    Any suggestions for an affordable area that is LGBT friendly? A friend suggested Columbus, Ohio or St. Louis, Missouri.

  31. All this boasting about Columbus Ohio. its tough being a gay man in the south.

    Columbus, Ohio sounds like the place I need to be if I want a potential love life.

  32. Just a little miffed that you didn’t include even a mention of St. Petersburg in your description of Tampa. St. Pete with a total population just a little less than Tampa is home to the largest Gay Pride celebration in the Southeast U. S. Three out of eight City Council members are openly gay and the Mayor is more than bit gay friendly. St. Pete is on the beautiful side of Tampa Bay with miles of warm, white, sandy beaches.

    1. If you’re a college age lesbian (the five college area) , but not really for gay men. And, Massachusetts taxes and cost of living is outrageous! They call it Taxachusetts for good reason..

    2. Do you have specific zip codes to share? Thinking of moving from Boston in fall. 45 (well will be 46 then), will know nobody, professional, works in research/Healthcare administration. Thanks

  33. I was paying 3000 a month living on magazine st in new Orleans 2010 wich is not on par with the national average, currently in Columbus I’m right at 1000. In rent I’m not sure your sources.

    1. CC, we used several resources to come up with the data including but not limited to and This is by no means an exhaustive study that was funded, but more edutainment with bits and pieces gleaned from multiple articles as well.
      As for New Orleans vs Columbus, there are expensive and cheap places to live in just about every city and that is why we all have to do our own digging to find what works for each of us. What is expensive to one may not be to another.
      Thanks for your comment.

  34. This is a great article. However, as a gay male I disagree about Salt Lake City. I moved to SLC four years ago for my college and I can not wait to leave. In last four years, I heard several homophobic attacks in the downtown and at least three lgbt locations closed permanently. There are only two gay bars in SLC now. One is more like a gayfriendly place, since it is mostly full of straight females and the other is mostly empty. It is very difficult to socialize for gays in SLC. Moreover, the closest metropolitan area is Las Vegas seven hours away. SLC is still a very conservative and socially-restricted place for people not from Utah. I would not recommend anyone, especially single gays, to move here.

  35. Hey, does anyone know of a cute beachy town somewhat near or in the west/midwest? I don’t want to move super far away from my family (and states with lower cost of living) but I am pretty exhausted with the ozarks. I heard there might be a good town for women in Michigan. Does anyone know what it’s really like up there? Or if there are other, similar options? I like the small town vibe despite everything lol

  36. I guess my idea of affordable is vastly different from yours! I was looking into Boise, Idaho. Many of the homes there are listing at 400,000+! Way out of my price range guys…
    Seriously, I need suggestions for truly affordable places.

  37. I agree with Stu about Salt Lake City. It’s very cliquish and the gays are just mean. They don’t show up for a date or event or flake on something. No kidding. It’s so weird, I talked to a shrink and he said, ‘it’s not you. The community here is isolated and self-oriented” (selfish). I loved the mountains but I have since moved. Inexpensive except for housing, but hell. Be straight if you want to have a social life.

  38. Thanks – but you need to do more research on Boise, Idaho. You are “spot on” as it is a liberal town with much going on. However, real estate in Boise is unaffordable to most – with 2 bedroom bungalows selling for $800,000 to more than $1 million. Rentals are virtually nonexistent and if you can find them – the rents are comparable to expensive east coast cities. Sadly, salaries and wages have not kept up, and if you are moving to Boise to be in a more urban center, unless you have a high income or lots of cash to plunk down in a place to live like the rich Californians that have moved to Boise and gobbled up much of the real estate – driving up prices – you’ll have to find a place to live like Nampa or another much less liberal location with people that are not tolerant of diversity.

  39. San Antonio, TX is a beautiful city and we have a large gay community. Maybe not as progressive as Austin but we are a very family oriented city and the cost of living is much more affordable than the majority of cities listed here.

  40. Um, if you ever actually went to Kansas City, you would know that it’s Kansas City, MISSOURI, not Kansas. There is a big difference in the gay friendliness and standard of living between the two. The gay businesses and neighborhoods are in Missouri, not Kansas.

  41. After this article was written, rents in Albuquerque practically doubled. There are still apartments available at sensible rents but it’ll take time and effort to find them. Overall Albuquerque is pretty gay friendly, but tone it down in the South Valley, land of long-established Hispanic farmers and their gang banger kids. At this time (7/7/2022) Albuquerque has 2 gay bars, S4200 and Albuquerque Social Club. They cater largely to a younger crowd and the drag crowd. There’s also the dance club Effex but it’s a dump that attracts mostly young women who thing “gay music” is so much better and drag along their straight boyfriends to pay the $15 cover. It isn’t very pretty.

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  43. Berkeley, California! It can be expensive out here but you have to look in the right places. the queer friendly vibes cannot be beat! Its less busy and cleaner than SF

  44. It’s wonderful to celebrate cities that are openly queer-friendly and inclusive, regardless of their size. These cities not only offer a welcoming environment but also provide spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals to express themselves freely and without fear. Affordability is indeed a factor to consider, as it can greatly impact one’s quality of life.

  45. I know this list of places startred a long time ago. I also see some recent comments. My idea of an affordable citiy is one where the cost of housing and utilities fits in my social security limied budget, and when I see rents for the month that are higher than my monthly ssn allowance, it’s a real no-brainer because it’s too expensive. Otherwise, where I would LIKE to live is San Francisco where they have the annual Folsom Street Fair and Dore Alley Fair which nobody else comes close to even offering. But they really have to do something about the homeless situation and stop people from defacating on all the sidewalks. Shucks, even Denver just lost a ‘famous’ leather bar due to all the homeless camping on the sidewalk in front of it all the time, and people were afraid to go there. Denver is a bad location anyway, as It has lost all of it’s bath houses in recent years. It used to have 5 in the ciry of Denver along, but the health department has always had it in for the baths. I lived there for over 50 years. Now I live in a state where amenities are minimal, but I don’t have any income tax and I don’t have to worry about if I can afford to heat the house in the winter so the pi[pes don’t freeze. But I really hate the politics here.

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