Get the 7 fastest steps to debt freedom!

You’re Debt Free. Now What?

  April 3, 2024  |    #Eliminate Debt

A reader of our blog emailed us for advice. Here’s the situation:

“My spouse and I sold our house. Once we close, we’ll use the profit to pay off all our debt. That will leave us with leftover money and extra money each month. My question is how do we proceed from here to prepare for retirement?”

10 Best Tips for Reducing Expenses

  March 27, 2024  |    #Eliminate Debt

The holiday season is rapidly approaching.  No longer does it start on “Black Friday”, that annual day when America’s tryptophan wears off.  Now it starts before Halloween and goes to Valentine’s Day.  Who knew there was a reason to mail Halloween cards?  Hallmark really knows how to capitalize on days of the year.

How to Earn $60,000+ in Freelance Writing Income

  March 20, 2024  |    #Make Money

Freelance writing income miracles Feel trapped in a cycle of financial strain, always at the mercy of a less-than-ideal job situation? Let’s break free from the shackles of limited income and tyrannical bosses by exploring the path to financial liberation through diversifying your revenue streams, mainly via empowering freelance writing income. How our freelance writing …

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How to Build an Airbnb Empire for Financial Independence

  March 6, 2024  |    #Make Money

Become financially independent with Airbnb Building an Airbnb empire takes time and effort, but it’s worth it because it helps you reach financial independence sooner. Get all those tips on how to build the real estate side of your Wealth Builder’s Pyramid. What does financial independence even mean? The elusive dream of financial independence—the golden …

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These 7 steps helped us pay off $51,000 in credit card debt fast!