Stop making these 7 money mistakes!

3 Things You’re Forgetting to Plan for in Retirement

  July 14, 2014  |    #Make Money

Among many financial problems, America is in the midst of a retirement crisis not seen since the fall of modern day Greece, which we suppose wasn’t all that long ago. Studies show that half of all Americans today retire with $25,000 or less in their retirement accounts. While that’s scary enough, it’s not as scary as the retirement of generations to follow Baby Boomers whom many financial advisors advise to not plan on Social Security for supplemental income in their on golden pond years.

The Truth about Home Equity Explained

  May 27, 2014  |    #Eliminate Debt

We want to give you an adjustment. The adjustment is with your understanding of home equity. You see, many of us have been led to believe one thing about home equity when the reality is acutely different. This misinformation, if not an outright lie, puts you and your family in a precarious situation that could lead to financial disaster. 

Is a Homeowner’s Association Right for You?

  May 7, 2014  |    #Make Money

We moved into our condo seven years ago. We were very excited, as this was our first home purchase; it was a blank canvass; it was below our budget and met our architectural aesthetic. Another reason why we were so excited was because we bought into a condominium. Neither of us particularly loves yard work, painting and fixing things. David’s handy, but I’m not. I led a cushy life when it comes to home repairs and maintenance and it’s not fair for David to do it all. So, naively, this is one of the reasons we bought into a condominium with a homeowner’s association (HOA) and a property management company. We thought that among all of them they would handle most home maintenance issues.

Manage College Expenses with These 4 Strategies

  December 4, 2013  |    #Live Fabulously

When most future college students and future college-student-parents think about college they think about ways to find additional money to pay for college and college expenses.  As you’ll learn, especially if you go to business school, there are two sides to a balance sheet: assets and liabilities or, in this case, income and expenses.  Here are idea to keep college expenses down.

Avoid these 7 mistakes to get on the fast path to wealth.