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Are Joint Taxes But Separate Finances Smart?

  October 13, 2020  |    #Tools

Joint taxes and separate finances For LGBTQ married couples who normally keep their finances separate, the prospect of filing joint taxes may seem complicated. How do you divide the taxes you owe in a way that’s fair to both of you? Get all the answers here. Hear Harvey’s advice for LGBTQ couples filing joint taxes …

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How You Can Get Life Insurance When You Have HIV

  October 8, 2020  |    #Tools

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our gay little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping queer people live lives they truly love inside and out. We think happiness is a 360-degree experience (purpose, love, money, wellness, and lifestyle) that you also deserve. After reading …

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How to Become a Gay YouTube Star

  August 11, 2020  |    #Tools

How and why you might want to become a gay YouTube star Do you have a unique perspective on gay culture? Would you like to share your experiences with a community online? Jacob Michael shares how and why you just might want to become a gay YouTube star. Hear how to become a gay YouTube …

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How to Cover Unexpected Expenses

  April 7, 2020  |    #Tools

Be prepared for unexpected expenses We simply can’t predict what life will throw at us. But we do have options when unexpected expenses arise. Listener Rob is a young homeowner who needs to repair his retaining wall but doesn’t have access to a home equity line of credit. So, what should he do? Hear how to …

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