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The Simple Tool for Success You’ve Never Heard Of

  April 17, 2017  |    #Tools

Going Digital With Our Vision Boards

It’s simple really. You use it about 200 times a day. So turn it into a digital vision board with these tools. 

Last week David shared how our language dictates our results, successful or otherwise. “I can” is better than “I want” and “I will” makes I want a reality. This week we’re sharing our version of vision boards. The first time we made vision boards we were living in the basement. We followed the traditional instructions and had great, though inartistic, vision boards to hang on our wall. Over the years, those vision boards inspired us and, in fact, most of what we put on those vision boards became our reality.

We’re now debt free and live in an awesome mid-century modern condo. We like sleek styles and clean lines, traditional of mid-century modernism. When it came time to create new vision boards, I didn’t want our condo made of a $0.10 poster board, throw-away magazines, and Elmer’s Glue. We went digital.

What’s Are Digital Vision Boards?

As David shared in his Monday Money Minute: Turning $100 into $3,000, we have an Apple TV. Apple TV has screensaver functionality, like on computers and smartphones. Rather than go all Hobby Lobby, we went online and saved pictures and images that defined our updated versions of success. We have pictures of our modern homes in Buena Vista and Palm Springs, David’s Audi, how we’ll look physically by next summer and inspirational quotes. When the screensaver kicks on while listening to music through the Apple free radio app, our vision board shows. We’re constantly reminded of our future.

We’ve done this with our smartphones, personal laptops and iPads and even the laptops we use for our day jobs, albeit more G-rated. People usually have images of their loved ones as screen savers, which is great. For us, we have actual pictures of our loved ones around our condo and our office desks and use technology for our vision boards.

Beating Bagels

Having this inspiration on my phone has helped me not be the office fatty this holiday season, as every other day brings another potluck, bagel buffet or luncheon. If I want to look like the guy on my phone, I’ve banned bagel buffets.

Both visualizing and socializing your goals will guarantee they become your reality. Go digital with your digital vision boards today and tweet this Tweetable.

Remember that we like you and you like us. So, share us with the people you like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Below are several resources you can use if you would like to create a digital vision board for your phone, computer or iPad.


Jack Canfield Vision Board App – This app is available for iPhone and Android and is free. Gotta love that. In addition, it can use pictures and music on your phone or tablet to create vision boards and slide shows.

Websites – This site allows you to upload a number of photos and it will combine them into a .gif file which will display as a slideshow on your laptop, phone or tablet. In addition, you can post this on a website such as Facebook or Twitter to share with others.

4 responses to “The Simple Tool for Success You’ve Never Heard Of

    1. Thanks Jason. We have fun with them. We change it up from time to time too. I love all your photos of your travel. We need to get some of those pics up on our digital boards. 😉

  1. I just spent some time tweaking my vision board this week. I will go over it again and then start working on manifesting what I want for myself. I am still using a cork board to post everything but I think any way we can get people to think about what their vision is for themselves it’s a win win! Great post guys.

    1. Nice! Congrats on doing it. You are right. Any way we can get our goals, dreams and path clearly in front of us the better chances we have of actually getting there.

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