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How the Supreme Court Helped Protect LGBTQ Rights

  July 14, 2020  |    #Make Money

What the Supreme Court did to protect LGBTQ workers

The Supreme Court made history on Monday, June 15, 2020, ruling that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. What does the decision mean for the LGBTQ community? And what steps can we take to make sure our employers follow the law?

Hear how the Supreme Court protected LGBTQ workers

Finally, the Supreme Court protects LGBTQ workers

On this episode of Queer Money®, we’re discussing the Supreme Court’s recent ruling protecting LGBTQ workers. We cover LGBTQ workers’ rights in the US prior to June 15th, explaining how we could be terminated based on sexual orientation or gender identity in up to 30 states prior to the decision.

We walk you through the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Civil Rights Act, describing how we now have legal recourse in all 50 states if any part of our termination is related to our LGBTQ status. Listen in for insight on how this decision might impact workplace discrimination and learn how to document your experiences at work (both positive and negative) should you ever need to prove your case in a court of law.

“The Supreme Court decision isn’t going to end workplace discrimination for LGBTQ employees. It’s not going to end homophobia. And it’s a shame that this is necessary. But as we said: Document, document, document and be prepared to protect yourself.”Click To Tweet

Topics covered on the Supreme Courts protection of LGBTQ workers

LGBTQ workers’ rights in the US prior to June 15, 2020

  • Could be terminated without recourse in 30 states
  • Usually done passively, contributes to pay gap

The recent Supreme Court ruling on the Civil Rights Act

  • Protects workers from termination because of LGBTQ status
  • Exception for small businesses with fewer than 15 employees

What the Supreme Court decision means for our community

  • Won’t end workplace discrimination or homophobia
  • Provides legal recourse for termination in all 50 states

Our call-to-action for all LGBTQ workers moving forward

  • Document positive feedback and performance reviews
  • Document homophobia and any negative experiences
  • Find colleagues to corroborate your story

What to do if you’re fired for your sexual orientation/gender identity

  1. Contact state agency responsible for such complaints
  2. Reach out to US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


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