Are you tired of not being on the same page financially with your husband? Let's change that!

Interracial gay couple outdoor close up
  • How do you talk to your husband about money? 
  • What are the right questions to ask? 
  • How can we be a power couple financially?

Get the 9 questions that will spark the conversation that will change your financial future for the better.

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Couples usually get together because of hormones and pheromones, not credit scores and debt-to-income ratios. However, it’s credit scores and debt-to-income ratios that can end a relationship.

We’re no different.

It was only a year and a half after we got together that we had a serious talk about our money and learned that we were in a seriously precarious situation.

Despite both being in financial services who helped other people with their money, we were two thirty-something professionals in $51,000 worth of credit card debt and who lived in a rented, basement apartment.

This put a lot of stress on us and our relationship.

Not only were neither of us good with managing our money as individuals, but we were also poor with managing our money as a partnership. We managed our money in silos, spent our money unconsciously and didn’t create plans to achieve our individual and mutual goals.

Without much help from anyone, we figured out how to change our circumstances. But, this took time and wasn’t easy. 

Talking about our financial situation is ‘too personal,’ and most of us carry a lot of embarrassment about our money situation. So, why are we more inclined to discuss sex than money? Why do so many of us continue to struggle with money despite all the available advice? Why do we feel so much shame around being ‘bad with money’? Why do we have so much credit card debt? 

So, how do you get your partner or spouse on the same money page?

Soften the money discussion

  • Blame Debt Free Guys
  • Bring up in public place

Focus on the fun stuff

  • Discuss what future life looks like
  • Create a plan to achieve hopes & dreams

Expose your vulnerability first

  • May not be proud of your money situation
  • Be honest to receive honesty in return

Focus on your feelings first

  • ‘I’m concerned about…’
  • Intent to find a solution for self

Initiate conversation in small bits

  • Consider one-off questions, texts
  • Leads to a longer discussion later

The benefits of open conversation about money

  • Relieves financial stress
  • Grows relationship

The clearer you are with the individual steps needed to achieve your household income and debt goals the more likely you are to achieve them. Once your plan is mapped, plan to update and track your progress during your regular and recurring meetings.

With a strategy to start and continue talking about your household income and debt goals, you and your partner will have better quality time together and reduce your financial stress. This will make you happier individuals and a happier couple – and happiness is what it’s all about.

Avoid these 7 mistakes to get on the fast path to wealth.