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What highly successful LGBTQ people do
What does it take to be a highly successful LGBTQ person? One way to figure it out is to talk to successful people (LGBTQ and otherwise), find out what they do—and then do THAT. Plus, get your free copy of the 5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life here.
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Martin Eiden is a top producer in the New York real estate space, selling nearly $1B in property to date. In 2017 alone, he sold a property every 10 days for a total of $55M in sales! With 20 years in the business, Martin is known for his attention to detail, candidness with clients and focus on excellence. He began his professional career in architectural engineering, designing skyscrapers, airports, hospitals and laboratories in the US and abroad before transitioning to real estate.
On this episode of Queer Money®, Martin joins us to discuss the driving force behind his success, explaining his philosophy that if you do what you love, the money will follow. He walks us through his morning routine and describes how the process makes him a leader in his field. Listen in for Martin’s insight around the value in hiring a coach and learn how his success gives him the time freedom to travel and spend quality time with his husband and son!
A morning routine helps you learn to stop being so reactive to everything. It saved me many times from just being explosive on the phone or being angry at something that was a miscommunication. - Martin EidenClick To TweetTopics covered about highly successful LGBTQ people
The driving force behind Martin’s success
- Do what love, money will follow
What inspired Martin’s transition to real estate
- 10 hours at computer ‘ate away at soul’
- Opportunity to work with people
Martin’s morning routine
- Gratitude journal + coffee
- 10 minutes of meditation
- Workout (personal trainer or yoga)
- In office by 10AM, journal top 3
How Martin’s morning ritual contributes to his success
- Opportunity to think long term
- Space for new thoughts, ideas
- Less reactive throughout day
Martin’s advice for staying calm and focused
- No news until after workday
- Check email 4 to 6X per day
The significance of hiring a coach
- Hold accountable for goals set yourself
- Guide toward dollar-productive activity
Martin’s insight on success and time freedom
- Time = most valuable commodity
- Choose to spend on family, travel
Martin’s top tips for Queer Money listeners
- Read or listen to books
- Always try to improve
Connect with Martin
Resources for highly successful LGBTQ people
- How to Start Being a Happy Gay Man
- Queer Money® Facebook Group
- Queer Money® Newsletter
- Subscribe on iTunes