Stop making these 7 money mistakes!

5 Useful Tips to Overcome Financial Anxiety

  January 28, 2020  |    #Live Fabulously

Is financial anxiety affecting your life?

Do you feel like a deer in headlights when it comes to money? You are not alone. Nearly 70% of the LGBTQ respondents in our poll said they feel financial anxiety on a regular basis. How do we get un-stuck and overcome the overwhelm that is holding us back?

Hear steps to overcome financial anxiety:

Being overly anxious about money

On this episode of Queer Money®, we start by making the distinction between true money problems and anxiety, explaining what’s behind the unhealthy relationship many of us have with money. We share our own issues with money anxiety and discuss how our experiences growing up led to a scarcity mindset.

We walk you through the results of our Queer Money Facebook Group financial anxiety poll, exploring why so many in our community struggle with making the right kinds of decisions to improve themselves financially. Listen in to understand how appreciating what you’ve got, taking small steps to improve, and finding someone to talk to about money can help you overcome money anxiety!

When you start to feel anxious … stop and express some gratitude for what you have.Click To Tweet

Topics covered on financial anxiety 

The difference between money problems and money anxiety

  • Problems = true financial insecurity, significant debt
  • Anxiety = uneasy/unhealthy relationship with money

Why we feel anxious about money

  • How parents spent money, what we learned as kids
  • Low self-worth (feel undeserving of financial security)

The results of our Facebook group poll

  • Nearly 70% often feel ‘deer in headlights’ with money
  • 24% slip up from time to time
  • 7% stay on track consistently

The top 5 strategies to overcome financial anxiety

  1. Stop and express gratitude
  2. Journal on anxiety, compare fears vs. truth
  3. Take action, no matter how small
  4. Make an action plan for a specific cause of anxiety
  5. Find support system (i.e.: accountability partner or group)

Resources to a healthy life with our money

Note: This article contains affiliate links, meaning we’ll receive payment at no cost to you if you buy through these links. We only recommend products we use or thoroughly vet and would recommend to our moms.  Buying too many of these is how you live fabulously broke. To live fabulously with financial security, start here.

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