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How to End LGBTQ Domestic Violence

  October 26, 2017  |    #Live Fabulously

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our gay little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping queer people live lives they truly love inside and out. We think happiness is a 360-degree experience (purpose, love, money, wellness, and lifestyle) that you also deserve. After reading …

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Long-Term Care Insurance for LGBT People

  October 10, 2017  |    #Live Fabulously

The need for long-term care insurance for LGBT people An alarming 36% of LGBT people say they’d rather spend for today than prepare for tomorrow. But what happens at the end of your life and you need medical or nursing-assistance, either in-home or in a nursing facility? The answer may be long-term care insurance for …

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Retraining Your Brain for Success

  October 3, 2017  |    #Live Fabulously

Retraining your brain “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them,” said Albert Einstein. If you’re unhappy with your current condition, retraining your brain is the first step to change. CLICK HERE IF YOU’RE FABULOUS! Unlocking your full potential by retraining your brain That little voice in …

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These 7 steps helped us pay off $51,000 in credit card debt fast!