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How Racism and Personal Finance Intersect

  August 25, 2020  |    #Live Fabulously

Are racism and personal finance intertwined? Building good money habits is key to financial success. But what if you don’t have access to the same resources as everyone else? No doubt, institutional racism and personal finance are intertwined for Black Americans and other minority populations. Here’s a candid conversation about that. Hear how racism and …

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7 Tips for Setting Attainable Goals

  August 18, 2020  |    #Live Fabulously

Setting attainable goals that work Well, we’re here at the beginning of February…how did it go with those New Year’s Resolutions? Did you quit smoking? Are you hitting the gym? Eating healthily? Probably not. Because you set yourself up for huge changes, rather than set attainable goals. How I set my attainable goals I’m down …

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10 Daily Habits to be Happier, Healthier and Wealthier

  August 4, 2020  |    #Live Fabulously

Being happy, healthy and wealthy doesn’t happen accidentally. As Napoleon Hill said, “No one drifts to success.” Being happy, healthy and wealthy are all things we can control. You may not go from being 20 pounds overweight, depressed and in debt to svelte, wildly rich and joyous overnight. You do, however, have the daily opportunity go further down the road to success.   

These 7 steps helped us pay off $51,000 in credit card debt fast!