Stop making these 7 money mistakes!

What Makes Money A Made-Up Thing?

  December 8, 2020  |    #Live Fabulously

Is money a made-up thing? What is money, really? Where did it come from? Yes, bills and coins are real, and they have value. But only because people invented it! So, how did our current financial system come to be? And what can the history of money teach us about making it work better for us? …

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3 Reasons to Try the Front Investing App

  December 3, 2020  |    #Make Money

Hi there! You new here? We love that you found our little corner of the web. Here at Debt Free Guys, we’re all about helping people experience the freedom of becoming debt free! Would you love to feel that relief? After reading our article below, see how we can help you more here. The Front …

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The Pros and Cons of Debt Settlement

  December 1, 2020  |    #Eliminate Debt

Is debt settlement too good to be true? If you’re drowning in debt, the many tools to become debt free may seem confusing and debt settlement enticing. Here’s everything you need to know about using debt settlement to become debt free. What is debt settlement? Debt settlement or debt relief is a means of paying …

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What You Need to Know about Gay Divorce

  November 26, 2020  |    #Eliminate Debt

Navigating gay divorce Same-sex or marriage equality became legal in June 2015. Naturally, gay divorce wasn’t far behind. Here is everything you need to know about gay divorce should your gay marriage come to an end. A brief history of marriage equality/gay marriage Before we get into the specifics of gay divorce, let’s first discuss …

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Avoid these 7 mistakes to get on the fast path to wealth.