Stop making these 7 money mistakes!

Why Your Hopes and Dreams Mean Financial Freedom.

  February 27, 2017  |    #Tools

Your hopes and dreams are your keys to financial success

What is it you really want in life? What’s your purpose? Get the truth from our Hopes & Dreams quiz only available at the link below.

Why your hopes and dreams matter

The reason we ask this question is that it wasn’t until we realized what we most wanted in life that we started to become debt free. Until then, we were the gay cliché. We were at every happy hour and party. We went dancing every night that a dance club was open. We never said, “pas question” to a bon voyage.

While we loved our lives, maybe too much, we realized after we hit rock bottom that we weren’t living according to our honest to Mother Nature, true blue hopes and dreams. We were having just enough fun to ignore our $51,000 of debt but not enough to not realize we were on the wrong financial path.

Hopes and dreams are focus and motivation

When we decided to make a change, we talked for months about our true hopes and dreams. Rather than spend hours dancing and shopping, we spent hours drinking wine coffee on the couch and soul-searching who we were, who we wanted to be, and what we wanted to do.

We learned that we wanted three things:

  • To save for a financially secure retirement,
  • To travel the world extensively and not on credit, and
  • To help others, especially the queer community, achieve financial freedom.

When we realized these were our goals and not the latest pair of Diesel jeans, we had the focus and motivation to pay off our $51,000 in credit card debt in two and a half years. These three goals helped us when living cheaper was hard. They provided motivation when we wanted to cheat on our budget, go on a shopping spree, or accept an expensive RSPV.

The Hopes and Dreams

This is a simple but critical step in achieving financial freedom. Use this worksheet, available through the Fabulous Life Combo below, with your partner, or your family and have honest conversations about what you most want in life. What’s truly important to you? Who do you want to do? Who do you want to be?

Other articles that’ll help you get the life you desire:

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